Hair for donation

When Jean was young, she would cry whenever I took her to the hairdresser for a hair cut. She insisted on keeping her hair long but I would never give in. She had her hair short throughout her primary school days. But when she got into secondary school time, I couldn't get her to the hairdresser.

Since she was old enough to take care of her own hair, I gave in to her dream of having long hair.

She was good in keeping her hair clean. She washed her long hair daily without any complaint. I really envy her as I myself hate to wash hair everyday but I had to..

Suddenly, she surprised me with her new look! I asked 'Why?'. She told me she's doing it for a good cause. She's donating her hair. Oh, that's good! Bravo, my girl!


  1. I'm wondering what happens to the hair after the hairdresser cuts our hair in the saloon.. Do they donate the hairs as well? Wow I could see a big chunk of Jean's hair WITHOUT being cut (into small pieces and recollected).. She terus hold her ponytail and snip it off just like that? Bravo girl!

  2. Hey Wenn, till today my girl dreads going to hairdresser... her hair is getting longer and longer.. I wonder why girls want to don so long hair.. Good to hear Jean is donating her hair for good cause... it needs a lot of sacrifice! :)

  3. ah, that is indeed a very good move to have her hair cut shorter.. I wonder if the hair is cut to show support, or really donated to charity??

  4. That's a good cause! Good for her.

  5. Well done to your daughter and she's pretty too! My little princess also reluctant to cut her hair and my wife and I will have a hard time when she reached primary 1, where girls needed to cut their hair short.

  6. I have been keeping a bunch of my long hair too. What do they charity body do with the hair?

  7. Wow! Hair for donation is something new to me. I guess they might be making wigs to help patients cover their baldness.

  8. Your daughter has such a kind heart and I should call her WENNder Girl. She must have followed her mama's kind hearts. Kudos!

  9. Aden also cried and struggled whenever I took him to the hairdresser, but since these 2 months he started to behave already... ;)

  10. She is such a kind girl to donate her hair. I have heard of hair donation for cancer patient who has lost their hair due to chemo and cannot wear fake hair due to the chemical in the fake hair.


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