
We used to go for movies once in a while and every time when we were at the theater, we would surely get ourselves some popcorns. It is definitely our all-timed favorite while watching movies! What about you?

I just came across the benefits of eating popcorns.

Some of popcorn's good GI deeds may come from the inflammation-fighting lutein in the kernels, as well as the magnesium content. And eating popcorn is a great way to bump up your fiber and whole-grain intake -- two more things your GI tract loves.

So go ahead, pop away!


  1. Didn't know that eating popcorn also have health benefit. This is interesting :D

  2. thanks for the excuse!! :)

    Aloha from Hawaii my Friend!

    Comfort Spiral

  3. This is "nirvana"...I'll attempt to eat more popcorn during movies

  4. I can eat popcorn so long as it doesn't have all the sweeteners on it. I do love it.

  5. Good to know about the kernels, more reasons for me to eat more popcorn!

  6. I like sweet popcorns.

  7. My first pop corn was made together with my American Peace Corps teacher Mrs. Miller. Pop corn and Americans go together after that...and many decades later we had pop corn in our hands to watch a John Wayne movie...Americanism.


  8. Popcorns are fab!!! We eat them almost everyweek because I buy my own popping corn and cook it at home. Really nice if you want to have something that fills you ip without much calories (minus the butter and sugar of course. Whoever invented/discovered popcorn was a genius!
    Anyway, hop over to my blog Wenn. I have a guest blogger sharing her post this week. very exciting for me.
    Hope your weekend has been fab so far XXX

  9. It's the tonnes of sugar that makes it less healthy. And I dun like it sugarless.

  10. Good to know that eating popcorn is also beneficial to health.

  11. Ooo..didn't know there is so many advantage wor....thanks for sharing :)

  12. i will buy but before the movie start... i guess i nearly finish the popcorn oledi ;(

  13. The macro view has distorted the popcorns. Hopefully they are still tasty.

  14. Didn't know popcorn is this healthy aye. :p

  15. I am so in love with popcorn! I pop it in the microwave with a special dish. That way I can put my own embellishments on it. Try it with olive oil.


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