Christmas Tree Story

Chang Jiang held a Christmas tree contest for the occasion and some customers had taken part. At the end of last year, I picked a winner..

Here's his story:

My unforgettable memorable Christmas Day was in year 2010. My wife and children asked for a Christmas tree. I refused to get one for them. I was alone at home when they went for holidays in Sarawak. I planned to surprise them by getting a Christmas tree. I decorated it with ornaments and lights. I also bought some gifts and placed it under the tree. When they came back home, they were very surprised to see the Christmas tree. My wife and children thanked me for the beautiful surprise. And I was very happy to see the joy and happiness on their faces.



  1. When he remembers how happy his wife and children were with the surprise he should not refuse to get a tree next time!

  2. A beautiful story. I hope your coming year will be everything you wish for.

  3. What a nice story. :)

    Congrats to the winner.

  4. COngratulation to the winners..
    in fact the person will feel happier if their love ones are happy..

  5. Nice story. I also wish to have a Christmas tree in my house. But, my husband said wait till we stay in bangalow.

    1. So, should I wish to have Christmas tree or shoul I wish to stay in bangalow?

    2. His reason was our house is too congested to have a Christmas tree. tsk...tsk..

    3. it will really take up space..

  6. Congrats to the winner! Good that he fulfilled his children and wife's wish to have a Christmas tree.

  7. Nice story.. Congrats to the winner!

  8. congratulations to the big winner.. nice story!! and I am sure his wife and daughter will be very happy to know that he won a prize for their story.. :)

  9. Congratulations! It is interesting to hold giveaways every now and then... :)

  10. oh i remember this,well i told you that ornament would be a great addition to any Christmas tree it pops out and give that tree a unique flavor

  11. anyway that story was really great
    i mean that guy know how to give his family a pleasant surpirse

  12. and with that they just had
    probably thier most memorable christmas ever
    i mean it's so special fro them to forget

  13. their christmas tree wre not the
    biggest or the most beautiful
    but what makes it special is the effort
    and the love that guy put in to

    1. A for effort
      A for style
      and A for cleverness and timing haha
      i love surprising people too most especially my girlfriend

    2. most importantly it's the effort..

  14. congratulations to him
    who ever he may be,
    with his story he was worth it for the prize

  15. have a great day and happy blogging to you wenn,
    take the best of care and god bless
    lots of love from the philippines

  16. Congratulations to the beautiful writer. Well written.

    1. It was a real happy surprise for the family! My wife is good at this and gave me heart attacks twice with surprise birthday parties!

  17. for a moment there i was afraid to read further worry that their might be a sad ending to it

  18. The man certainly a good and sensitive husband and father. What a nice way to surprise the wife and kids

  19. What about you, did you put uop Christmas tree? Sigh...mine one yet to dismantLe. J associated it with pressie. Dont let me dismantle. Guess have to wait for him go school then i do it

  20. Next month Lin Hua decorating contests? Or Chinese Tanglung from angpau paper contest?


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