In a day

Yesterday, I woke up at 6.15am. Got ready and sent my girl to the railway station. Her train was at 7am. Dropped her, went home and tended to May, my boxer. I fed her with bread and milk before I adjourned to the shop. I opened the shop at 8.30am sharp. 

I was glad that my people were punctual. When everything was in order, Lim bought this Panax Ginseng Extracts from our shop. Actually I haven't seen the contents before. So since he bought it and opened it, I told him that I wanted a photo of it.
10 bottles

Lim drank it with the straw provided.

Later, I wrapped a few consolation prizes..
meant for Mother's Day Contest held in Chang Jiang facebook.

At 6pm, Mei went back to her mum's place nearby and she brought some food for me..
yam cake made by her mum

and steamed 'nin ko'( I gave the nin ko to her mum so that she could prepare the steamed ones for me.
Thank you, Mei's mum.

Of course, I couldn't finished all. I shared with my people.


  1. What a great day! Btw those food look very yummy duh!!! =]

  2. Busy day! I like the little ginseng bottles.

  3. Is there staff discount for your staff when they buy things from your shop?

  4. So nice of Mei's mother to prepare the steamed nin ko with the nin ko you provided. So did all of you eat this while it is still soft? After a while, the steamed nin ko will harden and need to be steamed again to soften it.

  5. A very good morning to you Wenn. May you have a good day since you wake up so early every day to open your shop.

  6. Nin ko is very nice fried or steamed ...

  7. good that all your staffs are punctual, all are responsible people..

  8. the ginseng extract seems to be so nutritious, look at how Lim was enjoying it..

  9. oh, you have prepared the gifts for Mother's Day already?? still about a month to go for Mother's Day..

  10. the yam cake and especially the steam "nian gao" look very delicious!! so kind of Mei's mum.. :)

  11. haven't tried steamed "nian gao" before, all the time i had was pan fried, else sandwiched between yam and sweet potato and deep fried..

  12. Good that all your staffs are punctual...:)

  13. See that Lim is enjoying his Panax Ginseng Extracts, hehe....

  14. Looks like a busy but very productive day!

    The steamed nin ko looks tasty!

  15. What an interesting day for you. Wenn!

    1. Look at Lim, he is so enjoyable drinking that ginseng extracts bought from your shop.

    2. He must be very energetic the whole day!

  16. So nice Mei's mum giving you nice and delicious snack. I like the nin ko

  17. that ginseng was kinda familiar to me
    i think i saw some of that here way back then
    and yeah it was intend to drink that way

  18. was that some sort of energy drink or something?
    ginseng was meant for that right?

    1. it's indeed an energy drink. It helps to make the person active..

  19. ohh thanks for reminding me about mother's day!
    almost forgot!
    better have something for my mom

  20. so what's happening on the contest? was it a photo
    contest? nice no wonder your customers loves you

    1. yea, just post a photo and you are already a winner..

  21. yam cake looks interesting while that ninko
    seems like our very own pichi pichi hh fny name right

  22. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take care always and god bless you

  23. Your post made me feel guilty! Why? I am always late for work cos I am doing sales & marketing.

  24. Panax Ginseng Extracts!!! I have not heard of this brand. Ny nose often bled when I drank too much ginseng.

  25. I am glad I saved 3 big cakes of Nin Ko this year. So I can fry and steam them too! Yippy!

  26. I also love to eat Yam Cakes that come with lots of extras on top!!! Add some chilly sauce and put them into my mouth... Slurp and it's heavenly!

  27. Replies
    1. LOL...Lim so cute drinking that ginseng extract

  28. Wow! Long time didn't eat steamed nian gao. Craving for it now.


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