Chimelong International Circus

Chimelong International Circus is the world’s largest permanent circus. Since its commencement in Oct 2005 it has staged 3 spectacular shows within the magnificent circus auditorium capable of seating over 7,500 people.

The exclusive production is composed of many international award winning acts including performers from America, Russia, Africa, Columbia, Kazakhstan and China. The performances, lighting, set and costume design are the best in the business.

We had a date with the Chimelong International Circus at Panyu, Guangzhou, China on the 25th Nov 2009.

Performance started at 7:30pm sharp with the show lasting 1.5hrs.

The performance was just awesome..


  1. wow beautiful circus, I guess, they practiced a lot.
    Thanks for the visit anyway.

  2. What a neat experience Thanks so much for the videos

  3. Whoa! Nice creative trampoline act. Nowadays we have to change the word 'circus' in Cantonese. We used to say see "mah hei" (horses performance) but nowadays hardly anymore horses to be seen. Thanks.

  4. Wow! I would love to visit this circus. The videos were great, I really liked the littlest elephant! I am in awe of all of the performers.

  5. Wow...very awesome performances. I've never been to a circus before.

  6. Great performance you had there. Circus nowadays start to become rare thing.

  7. Hi Wennn whenever you wish, i'd love you to be amongst my fellow-blogger-followers, if it's ok with you.I've already considered you as my blog pal.
    I am!
    hugs hugs

  8. You even had the chance to watch the circus play? A really special trip huh!

  9. the last time i went to a circus was when i was standard 5.....hahaah...

  10. how much the price?

    quite a long time not go to a circus lo....

    look great

  11. Wow. amazing clips. The only circus i have seen before was the royal london circus. It was way back...when i was 5 years younger than today. Muahahah

  12. hmmm...such a long time i haven't been to a real circus. :p

  13. started sharp at 730..unlike msia not punctual

    A smile from SJ =)

  14. You must be seated quite front to capture such clear unobstructed clips! What a great experience :-)

  15. They allowed video camera inside the circus? i remember last time i went to one,they said no camera.

    i guess it must truly be world class performance, i wonder do they do world tour, if coming to Penang, sure go and see see

  16. wow, very magnificent performance indeed!! cool~~

  17. Never been to a circus before. But from your pics, it look grand.

  18. I have never been to a circus before. Looks a funfilled thing do :).

  19. never been to a circus b4 though, hope can go one day! it looks great! hehe...

  20. the oni circus i wen before long time ago, was royal london circus. haha! i think the one u guys went is much more keng :)

  21. i saw acrobatic act before in beijing.. i've never been to a circus though.. wud be nice to be able to go to one though :D

  22. Hard to have a live show now, but not bad to watch them in TV.

  23. this is great for the entire family, looking forward to watching a circus also early next year =)

  24. this was the best I had ever witnessed..


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