A getaway to Genting

This getaway was planned about two months ago. I was looking forward to it. And the time was right as the boss had recovered from his surgery of his little finger. 

We arrived First World Hotel yesterday morning by a coach. It was already 10.30am and we were waiting for another friend who was supposed to check-in our room for us.

The hotel lobby..
We waited here for almost 2 hours.

Then we adjourned to the convention centre to have a look.

At the same time, we got our room key, entrance tickets and our lucky draw tickets.
We rested in our room and got ready by 5pm.

At 5.30pm, we met our upline and took a picture with her.

We had a chinese-styled dinner.
The award winning event ended at about 11pm.

The next day, ie today, we went to explore.
We don't see outdoor themed park anymore.
Renovation is being done.

My favorite place..
we took a picture here.

Love this beautiful new hotel.
Lots of great statues inside it.

We got ourselves a membership and slot cards for free.
Tried the slot machines but no luck..
With the membership card, we got a discount of RM2 on food.

Guess how much this plate of nasi lemak cost after the deduction.

We left Genting at 4pm. I reached my place at 7.30pm 
after the coach driver had sent the other passengers back.

Short and sweet getaway!


  1. I'm also thinking of a getaway during year end....

  2. nice going up to Genting Highlands for a brief getaway if you have got something to do.. so have you won any awards for yourself?? :)

    1. haha..none as I was not any crown manager..

  3. The check in still takes a long time hor.. The last time we went, also took 2 hours.. Nice short getaway.. Might plan one trip soon too..

  4. I also took picture in front of the hotel. Last time we also waited so long to check in. wonder why so long?

    Plan to go there when the new theme park is ready in 2016.

    1. It has so many rooms for so many guests who come and go..

  5. Nice getaway wor.

    Wah have to wait 2 hours....must be huge crowd one saturday.

    Hmm...y guess...after discount will be like RM15?

  6. It has been a long time since I last went to Gentings.. I want to wait till the renovation is completed.. :)

  7. A short and relaxing getaway! The price of the nasi lemak after discount is RM18?

  8. Whenever I go genting, always take very long time to check in

  9. Wow! Another sponsored trip, you lucky lady! It was good that your boss went along for a break.

    1. Your boss needs to travel a bit to recharge and change the frequency around him. I may sound like a superstitious old lady but it is true.

    2. Now I know that we are not alone having to wait at the lobby for 2 hours!!! So many friends had same encounter too.

    3. The theme park has lost its shine and popularity when compared to all the others in overseas! It is high time they upgrade to the best. Genting has too much funds and budget!

    4. Oh..it's a self-sponsored trip..
      I was saying that the boss didn't need me to be around the shop. He didn't go. I went with my friend.

  10. Nasi lemak after discount oso will be quite pricey I'm sure. Maybe ori price around RM15? So after discount RM13?


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