All in a day

This morning, I didn't cook for my boy and girl. Why? Cos the boy wanted me to get to the shop earlier as he wanted to get his hair cut for the new year. 

I just managed to fry a few pieces of bread dipped in beaten eggs with brown sugar. So off the boy went to shop first while the girl went out for badminton.

Without wasting time, I quickly made some 'bak kean' for the new year. 

Just 8 and three more longer ones
Keep them in the freezer.

But I needed to prepare my own lunch. Thus I fried some rice and tapau to the shop. I had some leftovers fried chicken so I steamed them.

After my bath, I quickly hanged clothes and zoomed I drove to the shop. I was late 15 minutes. 

Upon reaching the shop, I quickly had my lunch. Otherwise, I would never have the time to do so.

I noticed that there was a plastic bottle of pineapple tarts for me.
Yummy! My favorite cookie.
Thanks to my boss's friend.

After a short while, a salesperson came with a delicious butter cake. It's for the shop. So I cut it and distributed to all my staff and workers.

I gave some to one of my favorite little customer too.

After all the excitement, the boss asked me to prepare ang pow for his staff.
I had calculated the amount beforehand.
So I just needed to get the boss's approval 
and started getting those fat ang pows ready.

Given to the staff and they were happy.
I made sure that they thanked the boss
and said some well wishes.

Apart from the above, I also received a full moon gift which had the salted chicken, eggs and the ang ku. I myself ate the 2 ang ku and 2 red eggs.

Kept the salted chicken for dinner. Didn't go out for our usual Friday dine-out as it was raining heavily.

Tomorrow, my other kids will be back for the new year. I still need to work tomorrow but I won't be at the shop on Sunday which is the eve of the Chinese New Year.

Gongxi Fa Cai, my dearest blogger friends. 
May the new year brings you lots of happiness, luck and love.....


  1. I love bak kean!! My aunty makes bak kean very CNY, can't wait to feast on them! :p

  2. what a busy day for you, but from this we can see what a capable and efficient person you are!! love the bak kean you made, looks good..

  3. wishing you and our family a Happy Chinese New Year.. may the new year brings you an abundance of joy, luck, health, prosperity, wealth and auspiciousness.. GONG XI FA CAI!!!

  4. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family too.

  5. Thanks for the wishes. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and your family too.

  6. Happy Lunar New Year to you and your family...


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