Games on iPad

Recently I have got an iPad from my loved one. It was a surprise birthday gift for me even though my birthday is only on this Sunday. Everyone in the family has a share to use it except my husband. He doesn't use the computer. He only knows how to manipulate the cctv..

Since I don't have the time to download any games, my girl downloaded some games for me. I love checkers, sudoku and chess. I have been playing with them regularly, mostly just before I go to bed. 

Here's Sudoku..I love to play Sudoku ever since I was still teaching in school. During my free time, I would usually play Sudoku. I used to play the ones published in the newspaper. But not anymore since I got this iPad..

 I'm still playing the easy and the medium ones..

 very easy and simple too if we concentrate..

One advantage is that we don't need to erase it. Only correct answers are accepted. We only need to be accurate and fast order to gain more points. Yes, 9223 is my highest score. I need to improve my score..


  1. I like to play ipad games..
    normally when I download it and i will play until complete the whole game ..
    so it will be the whole night...

  2. I like those strategy games and those easy game to play.. no need to think so much.. :)
    I think it could destress me..

  3. I don't play sudoku, or rather I don't know how to play it.

    1. Sudoku is a hit among my friends once. Everyone was playing with it, concentrating hard while waiting for their meals or during recess time.

    2. My students saw me playing and they wanted to play is a great game for all ages.

  4. I think I need to get one for myself too... but think my girl will be playing instead of me!

    1. My girl is playing too when I am not around.

  5. ipad is really good for playing games. I actually got one recently for the wife, so she can use it to play during her confinement, got the 3g one so can internet on the go coz my penang house don't have wifi.

    Plus, when the baby is out, he can play with it also!! haha

    1. That's great! She can play some games and even online but guess she will be busy with her baby..

  6. oh i dont know how to play soduku... but so nice to have an ipad for a gift! Happy Birthday to you, Wenn!

  7. wow, so nice you've got an iPad for your birthday!!

    1. with your iPad, i think you can also bring it to work, so that you can connect online and read blogs too~~ :)

    2. i don't have an iPad, but i think not really necessary because i have an iPhone.. iPad is a bit too big for me, maybe if they have mini iPad i will consider.. hehe!!

    3. yeah, what's more to those smartphones and tabs without using them to play games right?? :D

    4. i frequently search for new games (of course i'll only download free ones) to try.. i had that Sudoku game you played too.. but i get bored and switched to play new games already, haha~~

    5. Oh I can't use my iPad at work! Boss will sack me! Furthermore, we don't have internet at work..

  8. An early Happy Birthday wish to you. May good health, wealth and happiness grace your door daily :)

    1. LOL....mine Tablet end up kena my boy monopoly. He likes to play games there

    2. asked me to play tic tac toe with him but he said I not allow to win. He will "move" for me instead of I move :(

    3. not good in Math. Soduku not for me. My friend's dad love this game. Maybe I should ask the friend to download this game for her dad. Currently they are using newspaper clippings

    4. Thanks! By the way, we don't need to be good in Maths to play Sudoku. Just need to see and concenate.

  9. I am not into games so much. I find it a waste of time.

  10. Some more, it will give my children a very bad example if I addicted to games.

    1. it's good to introduce good games to kids as learning through games is effective..

  11. I only let my girls play game on weekends.

  12. My dad loves suduko. He always play on the newspaper one. I used to play too and can get quite addicted.

    1. Playing it is really nice and addictive too..


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