Inconsiderate housemates

 My girl voiced this out:

"First, you all dirtied the kitchen, never clean up your mess, never wash your dishes, fridge filled with your things! Have you ever thought of others? You hog the whole place and if you've got no place you shift people's stuff without asking and the worst part is putting them into the spoiled fridge or the freezer! Think man! Have you got lost your mind??? Are you going to replace all the spoiled food??"

"Next, you all drink and get drunk in the kitchen. Initially I didn't mind, but you all went off the limit again! Ask as many friends you like, drink and get crazy then scream and talk your lungs out in the middle of the night! I didn't mind the mess your friend did on the carpet but now its just too over! Be considerate! Hogging the kitchen or you may say it's your communal area is fun to do, I don't mind, but come on, I need to use the kitchen too you know."

Oh goodness, this is really happening in her flat. She has 5 housemates. One is a Malay guy whereas the others are English - 2 guys and 2 gals.

Initially, they were nice but as days passed, they became a nuisance. They made a mess of the whole place and even got drunk. How is my girl is going to manage all these? I told her to be patient but if things got worst, she definitely has to make a complain or even ask for a shift to another flat.

Worst of all, they invited friends over and spent all their time in the kitchen. My girl couldn't even use the kitchen as it was fully occupied. It's not a very big kitchen anyway if a group of friends were to gather there.

I told my girl to be careful too. When those people got drunk, they might become not sober. I feel she's having a hard time getting used to English style.. 

What should she do?



  1. hmmm, i think this is not uncommon.. there's always such problems with the university accommodation..

    1. I didn't stay in hostel before so I didn't experience that kind of problem before..

    2. Yeah, you see all kinds of people and problem when living together. It's the same when one is renting house together.

      They need to sort this out like an adult. Talk.

    3. bnot only university or dorm arrangement but even friends staying together will have friction too.

      Ya like what Lina said they have to talk it out.

    4. true, she needs to approach them and talk to them about the problem..

  2. especially the first issue.. messy kitchen, unwashed dishes piling in the sink.. well, i think it's the gwai lo style.. they don't clean their dishes right away, but only clean when they need one..

    1. I dislike this kind of kitchen when it's full of messy stuff. If I were to stay there, I would get super angry too!

  3. getting friends to hog the kitchen?? well, i guess your girl just have to walk in and do her stuffs, just ignore them anyway.. whether she wants to be friendly with the people or not, then that's her choice..

    1. true but the problem is they are drunk..

    2. when they are drunk it's dangerous leh. Duno what they will do.

  4. but moving other people's stuff to somewhere else is something i cannot accept!! this is so selfish and rude!! ask your girl to put a note there, or perhaps an eye for an eye, do the same thing to that person..

    1. that's indeed rude but my girl doesn't want to make enemies since they are under the same flat.

  5. well, it's time for her to learn how to handle things.. she is no more at home getting pampered all times by parents and siblings..

    1. yes, she has to solve the problem herself. I can just advise her..

  6. it's how to deal with different people and this always happen if you have housemates.. and a good learning curve before she gets into the society to work huh?? :)

  7. I thought this only happens in the foreign workers' hostels.

  8. Well,just ask your girl to be always on guard especially when those housemates are drunk........ I think the best way is to be nice and be careful.

    Uni life is like that one lah,,,,,,akin to a new world

    1. yes, she needs to be extra careful when dealing with drunk people..

  9. Housemate can be a big problem, just need to be careful and try to settle any problem amiciably by talking to them...

    1. Problems can be solved if they talk about it..

  10. Goodness....make sure she is locked in her room all the time just to be safe. :(

    1. but she needs to get out from her room to the toilet too..

  11. Huh... Sounds so terrible la~
    I cannot stand mess and situations which are so dirty like this!
    Ya, ask your girl to be extra careful when the housemates are drunk, stay away from them.

    1. maybe it's best if she can stay somewhere else but it's definitely troublesome to shift..

  12. thats a realy tough and annoying situation I hate people when they were drunk

    1. I hate drunk people too..they will talk nonsense..

  13. i myself dont know what to do

  14. have a great day and happy bloggin wenn

  15. Hope after your girl had voiced out, they will take note and be considerate.

    Shifting food like that and leaving them spoilt is a no no.

    1. Guess maybe the housemates first time "monkey off leash" so party all the time. Hopefully as the semester goes, they will settle down.

    2. what about the Malaysian guy? He was not involved is it? Maybe can ask for his help in talking them

    3. good advice on your part for not confronting them when they are drunk.

      Dangerous as they can do some nasty things.

    4. worse come to worse maybe shift out or what.

    5. I guess the malay guy couldn't stand the mess too..
      yes, I would advise her to shift than bearing those nonsense..

  16. Yes our kids have their nightmarish housemates....the landlord must step in a control the situation...and generally the house should form a committee to draw up some civil rules...before chaos set in..i.e. anarchy. All the best to your daughter...if nothing can be done HAVE to move out.

    1. they have duty roaster but they don't seem to bother..guess my girl better shift but what if the same thing happens elsewhere?

  17. This has been the common thing happen in the student hostel in the UK. They love to drink and make a mess. Probably should ask for a transfer to stay with other students from Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. She could probably join the year 2 & 3 students whom have moved out to share a house with them.

    1. I hope everything will change for the better..

  18. hope your girl will be able to solve this out. Nightmare housemates can be a killer at times, and should she can't do much about it, guess time to move out and get another place. Maybe when she got closer friends that willing to share an apartment with her.

  19. that should solve the problem.

  20. These are really not nice. Housemates can really be a nuisance with people like them.

  21. Hogging kitchen for too long and shifting other stuffs are really too much to handle. Especially your girl is still new to this place.

  22. I hope she will use her calm, patient and wisdom to resolve this issue. These type of people is everywhere, will shift to other place help?

  23. I can say that when I was a Junior and Senior in college, they roomed me on a Freshman floor. It seemed like it was a party all day long and while they may have 4 years to get their degree, I was on my final year and wanted to graduate.

    I asked to move to a more Senior floor and it was accommodated immediately! She may want to talk to the Housing/Building services for the college and they will totally hear her out and do what's best for her. Hope she figures it out soon!

  24. Oh dear.....this is terrible. Hope this nightmare will be over for your girl soon.........maybe she should request to shift ? Some people are just so inconsiderate...........


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