Teddy Bear

That's our dog, Teddy. He is not a normal dog like any other dog. In fact, he is handicapped. My girl saw him in the vet clinic and pitied him as he was a puppy then. So she brought him back.

He grew up very fast. He couldn't walk like any other. He would drag himself from one place to another. He even gobbled up his food hastily. I didn't dare to feed him.

Now, it is already three years that he has been with us. He is more sober now. I would say that he is such a mature dog already. He doesn't gobble up his food anymore.

One thing I dislike is he liked to eat his own shit. But now, he doesn't do that anymore.

He's so cute now..


  1. Eyewwww..... But I guess it's the animal instinct - to clean up after they're done. Many humans don't do that - clean up their own "shit"...just like many other dogs.

  2. aw thats an adorable photo :) its so nice that u adopted him!

  3. You and your family have a heart of gold. A true animal lovers. I have phobia of dog... dun know how to overcome it.

  4. guess you've been training him well to cut away his bad habits.. :)

  5. Wow, your girl has a beautiful heart!*hugs

  6. such a kind heart to save the puppy. I would love to do it, but sadly it is out of my will :(.

  7. Woof woof Teddy. He is lucky to have met your compassionate daughter.

  8. Heavens will bless your daughter for her kindness. I am sure of that!

  9. He's starting to grow white furs already!! haha! MISS ME TWO DOGGIES!!!

  10. [url=http://extrasun.ru/Prodaja.html][img]http://extrasun.ru/components/com_joomgallery/img_thumbnails/_1/_20120510_1500703696.jpg[/img][/url]
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