Chat Yit Sap Sei

sea bed in low tide
My college mates and I used to travel around Malaysia during our semester breaks. We had been to many beaches as we liked to play in the sea.

One day, we planned to go to Langkawi. All was nicely arranged and we were set to go. Out of courtesy, I told my mum about it. Guess what.. she scolded:

You are not going to places during this month!


Because it's the Hungry Ghost month!

Out of respect, I had to withdraw from the trip.

So off they went and we didn't hear from them until Chat Yit Sap Sei.
( Chinese calender, July 14th)

Suddenly, my friend received a call from Langkawi.

.. and .. are dead! (sobs)


How did it happen?

A girl and a boy were walking across the sea bed as the wave was in low tide. Suddenly, the sea bed just opened up and she fell inside. Frantically, she pulled the boy and both were engulfed by the under current.

We were so sad. We lost two good friends.


  1. oh....dats tragic. Anyway, well, it's also the monsoon season and the sea is always unpredictable.

  2. yikes.

    ta sei also I won't go into the waters during Chinese 7th month. The elders say so mah.

  3. Owh !!! Sorry to hear that..
    So the Hungry Ghost Month is July ?

    I'll try to keep that in mind """^^

  4. Whao, I never believe in ghosts. This is scary!

  5. Sorry to hear about the demise of your two friends, no comments of the 'taboo' of the Chinese Lunar 7th month could be just a remote coincidence. Heard there are lots couples getting married on 09-09-09 taking that as an auspicious day even though it is within the ghost month ie 7th month 21st day.

  6. So sorry to hear abt this incident. That's so freaky! Bet u're glad u din go along.

  7. Really? That actually happened to your friend. OMG! My condolence. This things do happens. And we'd better listen to our old folks. Prevention is better than cure right? In this case...we can't revive the dead. Haih....

  8. OMG~ so sorry to hear that!
    sometimes, still need to listen to the mitos, larangan thingy..

  9. My Goodness, it's so scary!
    BTW, I go for my routine as usual without the much pantang of Hungry Ghost Month. I think it's all depend on your believe.

    I've added u in my blogroll. Cheers...

  10. Oh my, how tragic.

    My condolence to their families.

  11. That is tragic... Sometimes you don't know whether to believe if it is really because of the month that all this happens. But yet when it does, you really cannot deny...

    Crap I am travelling next week :(.

  12. OMG, that's scary...Luckily, you didn't go on with the trip.

  13. Life is like a dream... It comes and goes so quickly.

  14. sorry about the loss of your buddies.
    i guess there are lotsa of taboos surrounding this festival and it's 15th today. there will be a huge feast for hungry ghosts.

  15. sorry to hear abt that. sometime we must believe something that maybe look ridiculous..

  16. OMG...that is sad. Gosh..this is freaking me out. This month must really be careful already.

  17. mummy gwen, don't worry. just be careful.

  18. really? good thing you withdrew from the trip. I feel sorry for your friends though


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