Sentimental Values

Pocket Classic 1200 and Motorola, cd928

I had my first handphone, Pocket Classic 1200, in 1993. It was a Motorola. It was huge and bulky but at that time, I was too happy to own it.

Next I had a Motorola, cd928, in 1996. It had been my best pal when I was in university.

Then I switched to Nokia 2100, the blue one which was bought in 2002.

The red one, Nokia 6610 was in 2003.

The black one with cover, Nokia 6260 was in 2005.

The next one, Nokia E65 in 2007.

The latest I have now is Nokia N81 in 2009.

I have been keeping them..

Too sayang to throw the old ones away..


  1. If you keep this as a hobby, you can have your own "Handphone Gallery" already. ;)

  2. Must keep :) On day it would become precious antiques for your children :)

  3. hey, i also started with a motorola, that was in year 2000, then updated myself and today i m using nokia 5800 xpress music.. phew.. but i dont really like it, cos it gets hanged quite often. I still prefer my old hp nokia 6100 if i m not mistaken.. so far, during my 9 years of phone, i used 5 phones... only! :)

  4. Wah! You still keep your old phones.

    I traded my old ones when I buy a new one.

  5. Put your oldest phone and latest phone side-by-side. Let us compare the size :P

  6. wow, make me teringat all the hp i had before, and all the good and bad story related to hp, all the gayut gayut with gf time, haha, but sadly didnt keep the old hp, usually trade in for new one,

    Wenn, you can open hp museum laa later, keep it up, hehe

  7. haha.. I keep mine too.. and those days when my mum ask me why I keep, I can't answer.. but now.. I told my mum.. next time for my Princess to play la.. muahaha..

  8. Thot I was crazy to keep all my old hp guess Virgos do have something in common also I love Nokia too.

  9. wah u have so many exes :P...
    da hp im usign now is only my 3rd lover...

  10. are keeping all your old handphones?? You treasure things...good. You changed so many handphones..hehe.

  11. hmmm..
    I dont have interesing phone history.. hmmmm.. all throw away already..
    Nokia 3310 & samsung XXX [forgot what brand.. =.="]

  12. haha...I'd those classic ones with the huge antenna sticking out too! My very first hp!

  13. You're still keeping your old phones? They could probably fetch you some money many years later. :P

  14. War...looks like you are really sentimental huh I have a few too...I thing...5. LOL :D

  15. wow, you still keep all of them? brings back lots of memories huh? i don't even remember what was my first ;)

  16. ya, my friends..they bring back good memories.

  17. Here in Hawaii we call Chinese people: "Pake."

    I say TOO Pake to throw out my old phones also ;-]


  18. aloha Cloudia, how do you sound the word 'pake'?

  19. Nice phones, Wenn! Nice you have been keeping them: it's an interesting collection indeed!

  20. ya, the first one is already an antique..

  21. Wow... u chg fon almost every 2 yrs. I assume u're a Nokia fan? I am. :)

  22. so much phone switching for you =)

  23. so much phone switching for you =)

  24. wow... So far I only got two old phones... well, I lost the other one to a snatch thief -_-... So no more sentimental value to show.

    My other old one is a Nokia 8150. Er.. I think hahah too old, can't even remember.

  25. wahhhh.. u been keeping all your old phones ah! keng... hehehe :)


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