Sensitive Man

I had signed up an old man as my downline when I was promoting a supplement. He was actually my neighbour living alone just opposite my house.

Initially, he would call me over to his house to mix the supplement drink for him. I didn't mind as I wanted to make sure that he learnt the correct way of mixing.

Soon he became my friend. He would treat me breakfast but I had to drive him out as he didn't own a car. He tried to be overly friendly but I always drew a line. I was his upline and he was my downline. He would recommend his friends to me. I did my best to present the products.

So one day, I recommended a new product to him. He said he had no money to pay me yet. So I said he could pay me later as I trusted him as my friend.

Days by days passed and it was almost a month. So I asked him:

What about your payment for that?

He replied angrily:

Cannot trust me ah? Wait la..I come back from KL first..Then I pay you..

I explained:

Not that I cannot trust you. I need payment so that I can order more.

A week later, he came back from KL and he paid me.

From that day onwards, he refused to talk to me anymore. Till now, he still avoids me.

Once I parked my car in front of his house. He put a note on the windscreen and it read:

Please don't park your car in front of my house.

Well, when we were friends, he allowed me to park my car right in front of his house.


  1. he's not married? well..some are sensitive.. or maybe he wants more than a friendship... *wink*

  2. What to do, there's all kinds of people around...

  3. Well, you don't lose a cent for ending up a friendship with such kind of person!

  4. lonely old man can act weird. Maybe he's thinking of more that a friend & upline/downline relationship.

  5. probably he has a past trauma that left him have a that kind of emotions, and probably that's will reveal why he choose to be alone...

  6. Ooops! dulu 'friend', sekarang 'fiend' pula..! Cantonese saying - 'kong $$$ saat kam cheng'? [direct translation ~ talk $$$ lost friendship]? Extremely sensitive over trust issue. Oh dear!

  7. Wah..he thought it's for free meh. Better keep your distance.

  8. To you, he is your downline, but to this lonely old man, you are his friend. I can understand his disappointment.

  9. Wow! What happened? Perhaps he was too upset that you treat him more like a downline rather than a friend? =(

  10. errr.. he was over reacting a bit to me.. =.="

  11. it's not worth to be friends with him if he's a jerk.

  12. well, my friends..i learnt a lesson..don't lose friendship just because of money..

  13. that's man! When they wanted things from you, super duper nice.. but when come to payment or money, they can be petty than woman.. I always shoot man who try to say that's a woman 'mood'..

  14. Weird... but from this.. you see what type of person he is.. I think it is worth it better than being a friend to not know lor :(.

  15. ya, all kinds of ppl..we need to choose carefully..

  16. Wenn: I suppose this type of friend is not worth keeping. If it is because of money and you lose him, then don't worry. Let him go. there are plenty of people out there whom you can make friend with.

  17. well said, William..I agreed..

  18. Just let him be...

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