Humming Bird

Hummingbirds feed on the nectar of plants and are important pollinators, especially of deep-throated, tubular flowers.

They can hover in mid-air by rapidly flapping their wings 12-90 times per second
(depending on the species). They can also fly backwards, and are the only group of birds able to do so.

I have this flower plant in front of my house. It has flowers that look like tiny birds.

Many plants pollinated by hummingbirds produce flowers in shades of red, orange, and bright pink, though the birds will take nectar from flowers of many colors.

Once I saw a humming bird flying near the flowers. It was so small.

Hope to see it again.

I miss it.


  1. Wow..the flowers really look like hummingbirds. COOL!

  2. it really looks like a bird! like pink hummingbird!

  3. Hummingbirds are so special. They are the only bird that can fly backward right? It has been a long, long time since I last spot any hummingbird. :)

    Have you watched Benjamin Button? Hummingbird played a major role in it. :)

  4. hey tekkaus, i always watch hummigbirds by the apple tree here infront our unit. =)

  5. ya.. humming bird is pretty!! ^_^

  6. The flower is unique indeed and I never see hummingbird before except in magazines and National Geographic, hehehe...

  7. I've never seen this species of flower before... really looks like bird huh? Beautiful :-)

  8. I will sure ask my youngest boy to visit your site later in the evening, he loves birds and all,

    take care now, wenn,and truly appreciate you as my blogger friend

  9. Thanks for coming to my blog and leaving a message, that was very nice. I don’t know how you found my blog but I am pleased to see yours as you have some interesting posts and recipes. I went to Malaysia one day years ago, from Singapore and like it a lot. Unfortunately I did not see much but maybe I’ll be able to go again some day.

  10. I haven't seen a hummingbird yet. I guess I have to go to South America to see these awesome birds. :)

  11. Long time haven't seen this type of plant already. Nice pink flowers that look like birds.

  12. Long time haven't seen this type of plant already. Nice pink flowers that look like birds.

  13. Really these pink flowers look like birds, it's astonishing!
    Very interesting post, Wenn. :-)

  14. Humming birds are gorgeous creatures! Thank you for sharing this facts :).

  15. I got tricked there. Thought those 2 were birds!

  16. Can fly gostan (backwards)? Oh that's amazing learn something today. Thanks

  17. Nice hummingbirds! Are they the only birds which can fly backwards?

  18. You saw hummingbird? Where was it?
    If I were not mistaken, hummingbirds are only found in New World.

  19. I have never seen a hummingbird before. I have seen amazing photos of these birds. They move very fast and they are difficult subjects to photograph.

  20. ya, very difficult to spot the bird, it is so tiny and it only visit tubular flowers like the ones I have in front of my house.

  21. aiya, i missed time u better video it..


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