Hit n Run

I was on my way to KL with my son during the wee hour in the morning. Imagine the sky was still dark and the highway was a bit lonely.

Suddenly, a dog appeared at the right side of the highway. I was driving on the middle lane. I was hoping that it would just stay put there. But, it ran to the fast lane and a car was coming fast. It quickly ran to the middle lane. Safe from the car.

Again I was hoping that it would quickly run back to its original place.

But it didn't move. I wanted to move either to the fast or the slow lane. Unfortunately, there were cars on both lanes. So, I had no choice but to move along. Just hope that the dog would just stay put there so that my Unser could just move over it without hurting it.

Sad to say, it decided to run when I almost reached it.

Thought I heard a loud bang.

Sorry about that. I just couldn't stop or brake.

Too bad. I had killed the dog. It was a terrible experience.


  1. Oh Oh, but sometime no choice, we cannot stop or suddenly slow down in the highway.

  2. It is a hard decision on your part..besides...there is jut not enough time...I hope the poor dog is ok. :)

  3. This is Sad :( I almost knock down a cat on a highway few months back.不要再想它了。。

  4. You really had nowhere to turn and like you said, you can't brake either. Hope you've calmed your nerves and have an enjoyable long weekend with your family.

  5. oh.. I had this experience once too.. the dog survived, and my car front pecah at the bottom! it's was also at the wee hours when we travel up north..

  6. That was a terrible accident. But then, it was an accident. Sometimes, we have no control of what's going to happen.

  7. Aiyo...I ran into dog before. I will try to slow down to reduce the impact. It hurt/kill the dog but also damage my car!
    The feeling is awful!

  8. ouch.. i can imagine the awful feeling of running over some "live" .. i guess we cannot control the situation, if we avoid that, we will bang something else instead and put our lives at stake too..

  9. yeah.. it's really hard to choose..
    choose to save the dog, u might lost you and your family life.

    not too long ago, i was following my boss out for lunch break, the dog suddenly came out from nowhere and my boss nearly hit it, she chose to break immediately, everyone in car bumped straight to front seat and luckily no car behind us.. T.T

  10. Dont worry,the dog would understand,,,,,,,you really wished you could saved the day,well like they say it,fate has its way...

    take care now, enjoy the great weekend

  11. Ooh! That's horrible! But I think the dog is meant to die. It's all fated! So don't worry too much about it! Besides, the dog is now in dog heaven : )

  12. you didnt do it on purpose so it's alright..god will forgive you..think at diff perspective..if it didnt get bang by you it might die in a more serious way..everything happens for a reason..only god knows..

  13. It's not your fault buddy! Anyway, it's pretty sad to experience such kind of "homicide" huh, hehehe....

  14. ya, bad experience but thank god we are safe..

  15. A terrible day. I'm so glad you are safe.

  16. you had to do what you had to do. otherwise the consequences could have been much worse

  17. it's alright, aunty. dun wry abt it

    dun sweat d small stuff!

  18. Oh I'm so sorry. I can imagine how awful you must be feeling. Sometimes these things just can't be helped.

  19. Poor doggie. It shouldn't have gone onto the road.

  20. Dogs running ard on the highway is a hazard to everyone, not jes to itself.

  21. You didn't have a choice and you did it for the safety of other road users. Just pray for the dog to RIP.

  22. Must've been terrible for you :(. No nightmares I hope

  23. thx, my friends..got over it already..

  24. It must be a traumatic experience for u...Glad that you're over it now. Remember, you didn't have a choice. Doggy should have waited till no oncoming car...

  25. So sorry to hear that, Wenn.

    Everything happens for a reason. In this case, the doggy gotta reincarnate to a human. There was no way you can stop it.

    Cheer up!

  26. it's hard but you can't stake on your safety too...you tried to avoid but there was just simply no chance

  27. Ugh... you must have felt terrible... sorry to hear that... but, you didn;t do it on purpose, so don't too bad, ok.

  28. ya..bad feelings initially..now ok lo..


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