Feng Shui

My sister got this magazine about feng shui specially for me.

and this booklet too..Thanks, Anie..

Let's have a peep into this little booklet..
This book is a keepsake full of inspiring wisdom and life lessons 
that many will be able to relate to and learn from.
- Lillian Too

and this Feng Shui World magazine..
An auspicious tip of good fortune for every letter of the alphabet.
-Lillian  Too


  1. Yes, time to by Lillian & Jennifer's new books for the year.

    Of Joey Yap?

    Gung Hee Fat Choy!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  2. There is some wisdom in Fengshui. I believe but do not become superstitious. :)

  3. See! See! Coming year good for dragon or not? Can become millionaire? LOL!!!

  4. write a post at the end of this year to let us know if this was any help in improving your life.

  5. Wah , you just became a promoter for Lillian Too! lolz

  6. I attended the Lillian Too's Feng shui talk that day! Will be sharing about it in my blog soon! : )


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