First Car Accident

When I came back this evening, my boy ran to me and told me he had an accident. I thought he hit someone. No, he hit the steel wire rope by the lamp-post. He had actually driven the car around and he wanted to park the car nicely near the wire rope. He was supposed to press the brake. Instead he pressed the accelerator and bang! Look at the dented front..

My boy was worried as he knew his father would surely scold. I myself had scolded him. When I went back to the shop, I didn't tell his father at all until the time when we were dismissed. At the front door, I showed him the photo and told him not to get angry..

He must be angry but I went home quickly. My boy was still waiting for his father's return but till now he's still not back yet.

Well, I'm sure everyone of us had our first experience. I had my first accident when I used my late FIL's car to a school for my STPM. I had finished my art test earlier. So I left the classroom and started the car. I was reversing the car without looking at the side. My car scratched the car on my left. I had to call my BIL as my husband was doing his sales outstation. When he came, he took me and the other car's owner to a workshop and I owed my BIL RM100 for the repair.


  1. Aiya... don't scold him la. It's just a minor one and he's all right. These kind of thing sure happened to all drivers.

    1. anyway he has to be scolded since he used the car without my consent..

  2. Now he knows to be more cautious! Lesson learned!

  3. His deep concern speaks well to his character and good family. We all learned the serious responsibility of driving this way. He will now avoid big stupid risks! Happily!


    1. yes, he learned the responsibility of being a driver..

  4. yeah, you are right, i am sure everyone of us had our first bang before when we just started to drive.. it's pretty normal right??

  5. i banged into a pole at a carpark, that pole was painted black and just about a meter tall and the carpark was dark.. i didn't noticed that and hit right on it, that was my brother's car and he was mad!!

    1. SK Thambee you better drive a bullock cart dei! muahahahaha

    2. actually many minor accidents do happen..

  6. as long as no one is injured then it's okay :)

  7. Thank goodness its nothing serious.

  8. Yeah, nothing serious.. just around few hundred.. :) and we learn from our lessons after the accident.. hope the boss has cool down by the time he returned..

  9. Oh poor thing but thank goodness your boy is not injured. I don't drive so..

  10. poor boy. he must be very nervous waiting for the dad to scold. sometimes the waiting is more stressful than kena scolding

  11. Everyone has our first time, dont scold him...

  12. Ouch! Ouch! His papa is so hot tempered over accidents. i hope he will be forgiven as everyone knows accident is an accident!

  13. I had many bike and car accidents in my whole life. The worst were bike accidents as it caused permanent injuries and scars on me.

  14. I am very sure your son will be very careful from now and would imagine his papa's angry face when he is driving! Muahahahaha

  15. Everyone will have first experience in many things. Again he will be careful in driving his car.

    1. true, I myself had many times of accidents last time..

  16. I hope his father did not scold him yesterday night and also today. When you wrote about your accident experience during STPM, were you sitting for STPM or were you a teacher invigilator during STPM?

    1. he told his father just now and his father was not angry..
      well, I was sitting for my STPM Art test.

    2. At that time were you already married? Since you mentioned you were driving your late FIL's car.

  17. Glad to hear that the father did not scold him. Is your youngest daughter driving herself around as well?

    1. my girl is already driving the auto car to school..

  18. You know what I always say about involving in car accidents? ‘Most importantly is no one gets hurt, as for the cars, we can deal with them later'.
    Yes, I did have a few times of car accidents but thank God nobody was hurt, only scratches and need to pay for fixing.

    I think your boy is scared enough, and he did not do it on purpose, you should not have scolded him, hehe~

    1. at times we need to scold..otherwise he will take for granted..

  19. Well, talking about the accidents, let me tell you the fact that if the person is cautious and take full safety precaution then his chances of meeting any accident get down to 1/4

    Arnold Brame
    Health And Safety Consultant Peterborough

  20. This reminds my first accident's kind of bad with my first car last time cause it's hard to find its parts and expensive!!! What a nightmare last time!!! =[

  21. Incidents like this normally happens to those people who have just started to learn how to drive. The car might have had minor scratches, but it was a good thing that your son wasn't hurt. I hope that he isn't that traumatized after what happened. At the very least, it was a learning experience; teaching him the importance of safe and responsible driving.

    Tracy Pierre @ Craig Swapp & Associates


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