Robbed at daylight

A salesperson who used to come to our shop was robbed yesterday. He was just coming out from the bank. He had withdrawn quite a lot of money as he needed to pay for his house renovation charges.

Two guys wanted to snatch his plastic bag filled with his newly withdrawn money. He gave a fight but he lost to it. The daylight robbers hit his back with the hockey stick. He was in pain so he lost grip of his plastic bag.

There goes his hard-earned money. Furthermore, he will need more money for his back surgery and treatment.

A lesson learned..

My boss always reminded me to be careful should I go to the bank. No money should be carried using the plastic bags. It should be put inside the pockets. If possible, try not to go banking at the same time. 

Beware! There might be people watching us..


  1. Sorry to hear about this. Hope his back injury is not serious. Must be very careful nowadays. May he recover soon.

    Good night, Wenn.

  2. Oh too bad for him! Hope he has a speedy recovery!

  3. sorry to hear about what happened to the salesperson, i guess the robbers have been stalking on bank customers withdrawing huge amount of money..

  4. it's never safe nowadays in our country with crime rates hiking.. i guess we all need to be very careful and stay alerted at all times.. better not take lots of cash from the Bank but try other safer alternatives, for instance electronically, if we need to pay someone or for something..

  5. Oh no.. all the hard earned money... sigh... can understand the feeling.. what does it mean not to go banking at the same time?

  6. Why not write cheque instead of carrying cash which is more dangerous...

  7. Replies
    1. Friend just told me two robbers attempt to break into her hse in briad daylight. Her husband n son were home . Air cind was on. Yet the robbers dared to open the oadlovk and tried to open the main door. Neighbours saw thought its friends visiting

  8. Sorry to hear about what happened.

    Yes, we got to be very alert whenever we go banks, even if it's not withdrawal. Those bad guys always have tactics, we must be super careful.

  9. You just gave me terrible goose bumps! I always worry at month's end when i have to withdraw cash from ATMs to pay bills..... I normally put all cash inside my trouser pockets although that is not safest.

  10. I live near 5 banks which are just short walking distance to my home and I have accounts with 4 banks. So I would always withdraw from each bank's ATM to pay bills inside their ATM easily without stepping outside....if possible.

  11. My boss shared his story once that he went to the bank to withdraw over RM10,000 cash and the robbers struck with machine guns inside. He had to lie on the floor and the gun poked him to hand over his money. He passed them his withdrawal slip which has not received the cash yet!! He was so lucky and the bank rugi lah.

  12. My boss has developed a terrible phobia that he has to get a staff to follow him each time he went to withdraw cash.

  13. With high tech crime also goes high tech which has been abused by smart robbers. Their modus operandi is to take a number wait in the bank. Once the robber notices some huge cash withdrawal would snap a photo of the person and send immediately to his accomplice(s) waiting outside. Not safe anymore to handle cash.

  14. scary!!! if i go bank to withdraw huge sum i will get someone to accompany me. yeah, if possible i will keep into my pokets than in my handbag.

  15. Have to be extra careful when withdrawing large sums of money. Nowadays, crime rate is high...sigh.

  16. So sorry for the guy. That's double whammy!

    It may not be fool-proof but it's still better to go with someone when withdrawing a large sum of money.

    A friend lost all her day's petrol station taking in a robbery one morning at a traffic light junction and that is A LOT of cash. She now gets someone else to do the bank-in. It just goes to show that crimes can happen when we least expect it. We just have to be extra mindful not to put ourselves at risk.

  17. Oh dear.. so sorry to hear about that salesperson. I never like to hold so much cash and always resort to cards or cheques..

  18. Which is why I won't bring anything when I go to bank, if really have to take money, will ask my stock people or my cousin to come along (as a bodyguard)!!! =]


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