
I was still studying in the teacher's training college and I met another teacher trainee from other college. We were on a group trip to Langkawi. We seemed to like to talk to each other and kept each other company. Soon we had to go back to our own college. We kept in touch through snail mails and he was indeed a fun person.

One day, he decided to visit me in my hometown during our break. So I took him around and we even paddled the Taiping Lake boat.

I was so carefree at that time.

Those were the days when I enjoyed myself very much visiting Malaysia.
I had been all over West Malaysia
before I finished my course.


  1. Hello Wenn, those were the carefree days for you! So nice to sit back now and think about those days, right?

    Good night and sleep tight!

  2. oh wow, that was our Ipoh Taukesoh when she was young!!! not only carefree but also very pretty and a sweet young lady.. no wonder that friend of yours liked to talk to you and purposely visited you in your hometown!! hehe~~ :p

    1. This taukehsoh looked like a veteran TVB actress!!! Guess the name!??

  3. good that you've been all over the peninsula even before you've finished your course.. shame on me, i've only been to just a few states and have not stepped foot on a major part of our own country~~ @.@"

    1. Shame on you Ah boy! You have never even visited Taiping!!
      So far I have not visited Kelantan and Terengganu only.

  4. Good that you have visit all West Malaysia before the complete of the course...

  5. So pretty, happiness was oozing fm the picture

  6. Hello Wenn. I think you are still carefree now. :)

    so when the chance to tour East Malysia? Give me a buzz if you are dropping by Kuching or Sibu. ;)

  7. My life was carefree before but I was quite bored!!! Being married is more fun.

  8. Those were the daus. Can go anywhere without much worry

  9. Your daughter looks like you! pretty lah u in the photo....and happy. :)

  10. What a pretty face! There must have been a long queue of guys. LOL

  11. Things change when time passed!!! =]

  12. Eh that was you in the photo? Looks different ;) But very sweet la!


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