Hari Raya Gathering

Few days ago, my Malay staff, M suggested that we had a gathering today and of course I fully supported it. Usually I was the one to suggest such gathering but I was glad this time, she initiated it herself.

She has her expertise in chicken rendang so today we had chicken rendang. She wanted to sponsor all but I wouldn't allow that. Chang Jiang had to sponsor part of  the expenses.

Mariah with her rendang chicken

But the chicken rendang had to go with the nasi kunyit which was prepared by my Indian staff, S.
My other staff and a part-time worker sponsored the glutinous rice.

fried wanton

by these two part-time workers.
Chang Jiang sponsored the expenses.
The longan drink was sponsored by another staff.

I invited my former staff.

Also invited my Pureen sales promoter who has resigned from the company.

This was what I had for lunch.

We had a scrumptious lunch and thanks to all my people.

Selamat Hari Raya to 
Mariah and her family!


  1. Hello Wenn,

    What a "muhibbah" gathering to foster better working relationship. Good of M to sponsor the chicken rendang and to initiate this gathering.

    Good night Wenn. Sleep well.

  2. what a wonderful gathering!

    have a great week ahead~

  3. Very nice people and plate:-)


  4. 1Malaysia!! How nice if we can always look out for each other regardless of race..

  5. simple food and simple gathering do bring closeness among staff and friends..

  6. Good afternoon wenn!
    Wow, such a nice Raya gathering! Everyone contributed, I love this idea!

    1. It's very thoughtful of you to invite your former staff!

  7. You never failed to amaze me by all your kindness of giving and sharing with everyone!! This is really WENNder Woman!

  8. Your pot luck style of gathering is easier to get the party going with everyone's participation! clever!

  9. This year I have not visited any Hari Raya celebrations though I am expecting 2 Rumah Buka coming soon!

  10. nice!! love the way you had the gathering for festive seasons, and everyone was so happily involved.. simple rendang, nasi kunyit, fried wantan and longan water, but i guess that's enough to bond the people all together huh?? after all, it's the gathering which is more important than the food :)

  11. Wow! Simple gathering and yet meaningful. Surely they love the thoughts very much.

  12. I love this idea - pot luck! Everyone contribute a thing and make it a happening gathering right?

  13. It is a splendid idea to have this kind of gathering - get to know each other better and of course, invited our former staff to join in as well. The more people the merrier!

  14. Nasi Kunyit, curry chicken and wonton - simple and delicious.

  15. well it's undeniable you guys were very festive huh
    how many celebrations you were having in a year
    in total wenn

  16. since there's no close up of tha chicken recipe
    i google it and i find it very interesting well as for a chicken
    lover like me chicken dishes were equally yummy haha

  17. the essence of sharing food makes this celebration even more
    fun and interactive and i like it alot

    1. you get to enjoy each other's company and
      you get to eat different yummy dishes
      cool right

  18. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you always


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