I have posted 943 posts in 3 years. I like the number as it is rather meaningful. Well, this morning I hopped over to Rose's blog and I was surprised to receive an award. I haven't got any award for quiet some time.

So it came at the right time when I am going to celebrate my blog's third year of survival. But I have to write 7 facts about myself..

Ok, here they are:

1. I was a teacher but now I work with my husband.

2. I love to cook for my family but I have to rush as I need to go to work too.

3. I like to travel. I will travel at least once a year.

4. I don't take beef and mutton.

5. I have been taking Fitline for the past 6 years. It keeps me energectic and healthy.

6. I love my mum as she has been my supporter when I really need her.

7. I hate my husband for scolding me but he always manages to say sorry.


  1. congratulations on your blog's 3rd bloggaversary!! more to come!!!

    1. 943?? how does this number mean a lot to you?? mind to share?? :)

    2. wow, isn't it great that you are given an award on your bloggaversary day??

    3. hahaha, very funny!! you hate your husband for scolding you, he always scold you but then say sorry later??

    4. and yes, we know you travel A LOT!! once a year and always a BIG one.. :)

    5. The number sounds good to me. A very auspicious one too..

  2. Interesting facts about you. :)

  3. hey wenn..i also got this award but not put up yet.. maybe tomorrow. .:)

    1. I will put up for a mere few hours then I have to post about my third blogversary..

  4. it's great to know more about you. congrats on the award.


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