Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri

I had taught in 5 Sekolah Kebangsaan and most of my colleagues were Malays. So Hari Raya was always the best. I got to get back from school early as I taught in the afternoon session. After their fasting period, came the Hari Raya whereby we usually had long holidays! When we got back after the festive holidays, we usually had Raya gathering whereby the teachers would bring their goodies for the staff.

 But I had left school since 2008 and I missed the Raya mood in school. I missed all my Malay colleagues..

So here's wishing all my Malay colleagues and friends, 

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri!


  1. Happy holidays to you and family, Wenn!

  2. sure you'll miss your ex-colleagues and the students??

    1. well i don't really have any close muslim friends, that's why i have never feel the atmosphere of a real raya..

    2. my raya?? quite limited to those ambiance in shopping mall only, haha!!

    3. but of course only the very peaceful KL when many of the people have gone back to their hometown.. :p

    4. SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all muslim readers.. :)

    5. In fact, I do miss teaching. I have many great colleagues and students too. Missed them all.

  3. It must be a great atmosphere over there then !


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