My dog has Physometra

May is almost 12 years old. According to the dogs' age calculator, she could be almost 64 years old. She is a boxer and has been very healthy. She has no health problem at all. But recently, she has bloody discharge and it has foul smell. Furthermore, she has even lost her appetite. She refused to eat and she's getting thinner.

Yesterday night, my girl realised that her discharge was getting more. Quickly, we took her to her veterinarian. The clinic was already closed as it's almost 10pm. Luckily the doctor was willing to get to her clinic and put May in General Anesthetic. 

The doctor checked May and discovered that our precious dog has Physometra. When the doctor pressed its womb, more bloody discharge came out. There and then, the doctor suggested that May must stay in the clinic. Her condition has to be monitored.

When we came back without May, Teddy, the other dog was waiting. It seemed that he was crying as his eyes were so wet.

Teddy and May has been best companion ever since our little Dhurcy passed away last September.

Teddy our handsome dog with his best companion, May.

Hope May recovers fast and if surgery should be done on her, wish her safe surgery.

My girl misses May so much.


  1. she is an old dog and you shouldn't be sad about her sickness as this may come very naturally..

    1. i bet she must also be very sad to stay in the clinic and to have troubled her masters too..

    2. hope that she will recover real soon.. i think after living with her for 12 years, she is already treated as a family members of yours..

    3. so which one is Teddy and which one is May?? i would guess Teddy's on the left and May on the right??

    4. and lastly to quote your sentence again, which i do have the same thought: "Hope May recovers fast and if surgery should be done on her, wish her safe surgery."

    5. Thanks. Hope she recovers and come back to us. Not used to her not around.

  2. Quick recovery or safe surgery for May. She's cute!

  3. here's praying for her quick recovery..

    Happy national day wenn

    1. thanks, she will be fine as she's a healthy dog. Happy merdeka day to you too!

  4. speedy recovery to May.

    12 yrs old. That is old. My cat pass on when he was 13 yrs old

  5. The veterinarian is very good to open up the clinic after closing time.

  6. How old is teddy? Same as May? He got whine ka ? usually dogs will whine when the companion is not around

    1. Teddy is 3 years old. He's been quiet since that day and hope he's eating.

  7. Our dogs are like family members already...

  8. We would like to give our dog, Lucky, a companion too..but not until we have a place done up for them at the backyard. Hope May a speedy recovery!!

    1. thanks..dogs need companion too just like human. Otherwise, they would be lonely..

  9. Wishing May a speedy recovery. Happy Merdeka Day!


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