First time handling commotion in Facebook

I have organised a few contests for my husband's shop starting with Mother's Day, Teacher's Day, Father's Day, Cutest Baby, Parents' Day and last but not least the Merdeka Day.

Every contest was carried out smoothly except for the Merdeka Day contest. The participants had to buy items from our shop to be entitled for the contest. Thus, only three took part and they had done their best. Initially I had 2 grand prizes but seeing that all 3 were good, I prepared another grand prize as an addition. I just wanted to be fair but it seemed a guy was causing havoc saying that the same person was winning over and over again.

This morning, I had to clarify the commotion and luckily it was solved with the help of some understanding people. You can read the commotion here at my page:

The moment I announced the 3 winners, so many comments poured in.

Leng Chai Waah....satu lagi contest habis!!! Sama punya winner utk father mother parent child teacher merdeka day....Apa punya contest ini lu kasi orang sama hadiah slalu saja...hahahahaha...Kasi la sama orang lain. Ini mcm punya contest tada guna lor!! Lain kali kasi limit la satu orang masuk brapa saja...

Leng Chai Shinda Pantlia u xpyh kutuk saya lor....saya ckp saya punya opinion saja, apa saya cakap semua betul saja, u pigi check tengok betul tak? u cakap saya tadak duit sama camera...saya ada lor, Maril!! saya chalange sama u, next contest u masuk, saya pun masuk ada berani ka?

Chang Jiang Enterprise Sdn Bhd Please be considerate, Leng Chai! Everyone is welcome to join in the contest but for the Merdeka Contest, you have to buy items from Chang Jiang.That's the rules and regulations.

Leng Chai Chang Jiang, saya sudah considerate lor.....apa saya cakap bukan salah atau tipu

Nithi Vinod Leng Chai, ok2 apa u cakap, kita semua tahu dan faham ok, Mcm Teng Yi Yin kata, next contest kita semua masuk sama2 ya. Healthy competition!!

Nithi Vinod Ok peeps, see if comments come in it keeps building tension up again. Lets call it a day...Leng Chai sudah2 dia orang tadak comment lagi. Pls show ur support on each others wall, not here...Zzzzzz ciao

Chang Jiang Enterprise Sdn Bhd Thanks to everyone for your kind support and understanding. For the next contest, please feel free to join in so that there will be more fun and more chance for you to be winners. Have a nice evening. Happy Merdeka to all!



  1. yeah, i also noticed that the winners are those few regulars..

    1. but then with the commotion doesn't mean a bad thing also.. at least that means you have attracted attention of more people, haha~~

    2. but frankly, i think this Leng Chai is not reasonable lah.. did he participate in the contest??

    3. i think all the participation are posted on the wall page right, that's the evidence, and why is he suspecting the fairness of your judging??

    4. anyway, there are always glitches and some people who would stir up things.. but then take this as a learning process.. :)

    5. Thanks for your support. This person profile is anonymous and he has the intention to cause havoc. Anyway, I believe I have been very fair and I won't let this kind of people let me down.

  2. Oh. I didn't know about this. Glad it got resolved.

    1. I suspected this person doesn't like the winner in particular. Anyway, I have gained some publicity. :)

  3. like what sk said, everything is posted in fb wall. so fair n square ma.

    1. No matter how good the contest, there are sure some who are disastified.

    2. Only 3 took part n u ady plan to give two hamper but u gave three instead, very kind already. duno y this fella make noise

    3. He's trying to be funny. But I have already done my best and even encouraged everyone to take part. He didn't participate and he's making unwanted comments.

    4. ya la some more that particular contest is based on likes one right. No hanky panky mah.

      guess, could it be competitor of your company trying to ....?

    5. maybe but all is fine now. Thanks for your concern.

  4. I don't know why some like to make a mountain out of a molehill.

    1. Glad you have settled the commotion and gain some "fame" :)

    2. Thanks! We can't satisfy everyone. I just make sure I do the best for everyone.

  5. There are many types of people around. Some people is here to test our patient. hahaha! Wenn, I have trust in you that you can resolve things in a very mature way.

    1. Thanks! I have to face it as I'm the one who organised it. But we can't run away from this kind of people. Just need to be patient.

  6. I salute your creativity and resoucefulness. Wish I was there to participate in your contests as well.

  7. Wenn... this "commotion" might be a blessing in disguise.. yes, next time more people will join in the fun.. :)

    1. I suppose so..hope more people take the challenge in future.


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