Thanks Nuffnang

I started my blog in August last year. So after a year, I cashed out from Nuffnang at the end of August recently.

I just received the cheque this morning.

Knowing that I would be receiving the cheque soon, I had already spent it last Friday with two treats, a lunch and a dinner.

Well, I just love to share my happiness with my friends.

Thanks, Nuffnang..


  1. wow, everyone seems to be making money from their blog!! what am i waiting for??!!

  2. This is the best part being a leaisure blogger, sharing our thoughts and making some money..

    keep it up

  3. so nice Wenn..thanks for the treat.. wonder when nuffnang will "notice" me.. sigh..

  4. Nicely done... I haven't got a chance to cash out anything yet T_T.

  5. That's very good! only in a year or so can cash out so much. Keep it going....

  6. Wow...good for you. :) can belanja or not? Yeah! Nuffnang is really one reliable company.

  7. Wow! Wow! How to get their cheque? I have been blogging for few years now.

  8. Wow you guys are fast..seeing so many bloggers receiving $$$ and bananaz still crawling..*sigh*


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