Illegible Thumbprints

This morning I took my girl to the Immigration Department to renew her passport which is going to expire next month. I need to get her passport done as we will be visiting Singapore soon.

When we reached there, I filled in the form and then we got the number ready. By the way, the kiosk was not working. So we had to wait for our number which was about 50 in waiting.

But the queue was fast. In less than an hour, we were being serviced. First thing that the officer asked was my girl's birth certificate. I didn't bring along. I though that her ic would just suffice. The officer replied that she's not yet 18. 

So she asked for my ic. Unfortunately, I just brought my driving license. She refused to carry on with the process. She asked us to come back to see her with the required documents.

Later in the evening, we went again to the Immigration Department. All the needed documents were there, the officer just needed to take my girl's thumb print. Been trying to get a clear image of her thumb prints but it was not successful. Many times were tried. The officer even used the tissue to dab her thumb dry. But it just wouldn't work!

We had to go to the ic department to get the microchip data of my girl's ic printed. Waited for a short while and we went back to the Immigration Department.

Soon the process was completed and we could only collect the passport tomorrow as it's almost closing time.

I was surprised as I thought they closed for the weekend. But no, they are even working on Sundays..


  1. hmmm, renewing passport has been a nightmare but i think they have been improving a lot.. i remember it used to take one week, then shorten to three days, then next working day, and now on the same day.. great improvement!!

    1. yes, it has improved a lot. Now we can get it in two hours..

    2. Now very easy to get it done. No need to wait long.

    3. not like those days whereby there was always long queue and we could only get it done after certain days..

  2. and did you know we can now renew our passport online already?? i didn't know exactly the detail and procedures, my passport will only expire in 2016.. i guess by the time i renew again, the process would have been matured already..

    1. oh..I didn't know about online renewal..will check it out.

  3. A good sharing. Next time, i'll bring my son's birth certificate. But It must be frustrating for the officers to work on Sunday.

    1. better remember that or else it would be frustrating to make second round.

    2. They work on shift la. Not work for free what.

  4. hmmm, this is the first time you renew her passport?? you should know those under 18 needs the parents consent and the way to prove the parentage is the birth cert.. and what's more, you don't bring along your IC with you?? how can??

    1. maybe I was in a rush in the morning that I forgot my ic in another wallet..

  5. Always check ALL documents in proper order so that no time will be wasted running around doing things more than once.

    And yes, Immigration Office do open on weekends and we can renew it online

    All easy peasy and fast.

    Provided we have everything in order. ;p

    1. yes, always have a checklist before we proceed..

  6. Renewing passport is very easy, they have improved their efficiency since many years ago.

    1. My passport has long overdue. Didn't go oversea for many years already so no point getting it renewed, hehe!

    2. Wait till I wanted to "soak in salty water" then only I go and renew or make new one :p

    3. ya, not point renewing it if you are not going anywhere for holidays yet.

  7. Oh I dont remember bringing my girl's birth cert to renew.. just her IC will do... maybe changed rules again..

  8. wow your process was way too fast than ours cause here in the philippines it took quite a while to get this all done which is quite irritating

  9. that was such a hustle
    well maybe next time you have to get ready all the basic documents on such transactions i guess,

    1. next time if I should go there again, I must make sure everything is in order.

  10. well modern devices wans't good after all
    haha they have to be careful in handling such device and they have to sanitize it more often too we'll never know

  11. this post reminds me to get my self a passport cause i still dont have one hahah

  12. have a great day wenn happy blogging and god bless you and your family :)

  13. Oh how come cannot get the thumbprint? Fingers sweaty or oily? Hmm... Or may be the screen too sensitive?

  14. Me & hub have been talking about renewing our passports and apply new passports for our girls these few days too. Hope to get it done in a day or 2 to enable us to travel outside Malaysia this time.

    1. better remember to bring those documents along..

  15. We were also asking each other what are the documents we need to bring to apply for new passports for our girls..looking at your post, we need to bring our ICs and kids' birth certs along..thank you for this post of yours.

    1. just bring them along..they might need them..

  16. Yes, the immigration dept work on Sundays too..sometimes I hope the banks do the same too for the convenient of 9-5 office workers like me to do banking..

  17. yes, now they are very efficient already can get all the details within one click

    1. but the koisk is not working..otherwise it's so much easier.

  18. am surprise they still need your ic and stuffs like that

  19. your girl is not the isolated case. My friend also they cannot read her thumbprint coz her skin was peeling at that time. The thumb langsung no more print

    1. that's what the officer said..just a normal case..

  20. hmm...i thought they have IC readers at their department. why they still need the data to be printed. I assume they want to verify your girl is who she clainm to be only. why wanna waste paper pulak

  21. ooo i also didnt know they work on weekends


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