Such a routine

Just a bit about myself:

Every day, things that I do in sequence except Sundays..

1. Get up from bed, change into my house t-shirt and shorts.
2. Wash my face and brush my teeth.
3. Use the toilet.
4. Switch on the lights of the dining room, kitchen and computer room.
5. Switch on the modem and my laptop.
6. Get all those stuff out from the refrigerator for my lunch preparation.
7. Wash the dishes.
8. Cook rice.
9. Prepare lunch.
10. Eat lunch in front of the laptop.
11. Bathe and get ready for work.
12. Get to work at my husband's shop.
13. In the evening, prepare dinner.
14. Eat dinner in front of my laptop.
15. Bathe.
16. 10 minutes nap.
17. Get back to work.
18. After work, bathe and wash my hair.
19. Use the laptop: facebook and blogs
20. Sleep.

It has become such a routine for me. My boy said that I'm so addicted to facebook and blogging.

Well, true enough. I have done 29 posts for this month. I just missed a day. I could see some of you visited and commented on all my posts. Here I would like to announce my top three commenters..

Small Kucing, MECoy and SK.

Thank you all for visiting and putting your comments down. Love to read all of them.


  1. Congrats to Mamarazzi,MEcoy & SK.

  2. Hmm, very detailed description of your routine!
    But I am wondering, means you go to work in the afternoon only?

    1. I go to work before 11am and finish work at 10pm..

  3. Wenn, wash the dishes before you cook rice? You mean prepare the ingredients first or ... hahaha.. just very curious to know.. :) cos mine also very routinal like yours..

    1. wash overnight dishes..
      after lunch, my girl will wash the dishes for me..

  4. hahaha, i think everyone should have the same routine everyday.. but the list you have given is a lot more details, making it sounds very very exceptionally routine indeed!! :D

  5. so you wake up just before lunch time everyday?? how nice!! cos i didn't see you mention about even having breakfast, straight away jump to lunch..

    1. I usually don't take breakfast..just a glass of my fitline drink.

  6. and you wash the dishes leftover last night after dinner?? i thot you can't stand the dishes in the sink for more than 10 minutes and will wash the dishes right away?? haha~~

    1. the dishes will be washed by my girl but there will be some leftover so I got to wash in the morning..

  7. well well well.. it's not uncommon for bloggers to be so addicted to the blogsphere and facebook right?? and i think you facebook for your shop and not for your personal pleasure right??

    1. yes, my shop's facebook and blogs really take up my free time..

  8. yippeee!! i am one of the monthly winner again!! thanks again wenn..

    BTW, i wonder based on what are the winners selected?? is it based on the "Top Commenter" widget below?? or you calculate every comment from all the posts manually?? i ask because i think the widget may not be reliable, because it just ranks the readers based on the recent 50 comments only..

    let's say A leaves 5 comments everyday, but B only comes in to leave 10 comments after few days on the latest post, then you will see B is actually the first and A the second.. i am just afraid it might be unfair for other readers if you base entirely on the widget.. :)

    1. well, very simple..I actually go to my every post and check on each commenter's presence. Initially I gave allowance but this time only MECoy and Small Kucing commented on all my 28 posts whereas you just missed one. In future, I might chose only commenters who have commented on all my postings.

    2. Don't worry about the number of comments..just make sure you leave comments on all my postings for the month. Thank you everyone for the support. Love it..

    3. oh i see, must be pretty tedious checking every posts huh?? that's what i've been doing last time, but now i use scripts to do all that for me automatically, hehe.. i missed out one posts?? hmmm~~~

  9. You have lunch and dinner in front of your laptop? fuiyo...

    1. yes, can't afford to waste time..but now my lunch is not ready yet..I curi-curi come here :)

  10. Congrats to the winners. So nice that you can wake up late in the morning.

    1. that's the consolation but sometimes I have to getup early to send my boy to school for his Co-Curiculum activities.

  11. Your daily routine is not so bad, Wenn. Quite relax also.

    1. but I need to rush in the morning and evening..

  12. I love routine life. I am not very into FB, emails and blogs too. I just can't get enough of it.

  13. such a busy day wenn nut i bet that were lighter than those toddler times haha Im just amaze you can still find time fpr blogging despite of your busy schedule which i'll be dealing with as soon as i got myself a job

    1. busy preparing for meals..also busy at work..

  14. so you laptop is your lunch and dinner date huh in my case my computer shcedule were quite a mess and it has no particular time i mean it keeps on changing every now and then

    1. yes, only those times I'm free to use the laptop..

  15. well most of my time in front of computer were spent on bloghopping then after that i go on facebook, email and twitter just checking notifications and then i browse youtube which some sort of resting time

    1. I always check my facebook first before I go to my blog..

  16. whoa i just can't believe it i made it through the top commentator list hahaha despite of how busy this month had been ohh god thank you

  17. thank you wenn for acknowledging my efforts you can imagine how i giggle to joy on my seat now just the nicest way to brighten up my day

  18. have a great day and happy blogging wenn may god bless you abundantly take the best of care always

  19. CONGRATULATIONS to the winners! Lately MEcoy has worked his way to the tops! Mabuhay!

  20. Your daily routine is quite relaxing for a lady boss! How I wish I am in your shoes!

  21. Facebook-ing and Blogging..haha really me too :)

  22. Congratulations to everyone. Fuiyo...This round MeCoy will get two prze from your blog and one from SK :)

  23. ya wor...blogging and FB-ing is very addictive. But now am feeling like lazy to blog

  24. Le't see do we have anything in common here:

    1. Get up from bed, change into my house t-shirt and shorts. (wear short & singlet coz sleep in birthday suit)
    2. Wash my face and brush my teeth. (on radio then drink 3 cups of water first then [same])
    3. Use the toilet. [same, then shower]
    4. Switch on the lights of the dining room, kitchen and computer room. [skip, drink full cup of breakfast in liquid form]
    5. Switch on the modem and my laptop. [on wifi desktop sleep mode]
    6. Get all those stuff out from the refrigerator for my lunch preparation. [skip, do prayers if no gym, or bathe & prayers after gym]
    7. Wash the dishes.[skip, start working on computer SOHO]
    8. Cook rice.[skip]
    9. Prepare lunch. [skip]
    10. Eat lunch in front of the laptop.[brunch/lunch outside unless brunch at home]
    11. Bathe and get ready for work. [skip]
    12. Get to work at my husband's shop. [no appointment outside continue work at SOHO]]
    13. In the evening, prepare dinner. [skip, Mango cook]
    14. Eat dinner in front of my laptop. [same dinner in front TV]
    15. Bathe.[same but before dinner, Bananaz wash dishes]
    16. 10 minutes nap. [skip, watch TV if nice program]
    17. Get back to work.[same]
    18. After work, bathe and wash my hair. [skip]
    19. Use the laptop: facebook and blogs [same]
    20. Sleep.[same]

    Looks like life for Bananaz is routine & predictable huh.


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