April Fool Laksa

It's April Fool Day and we wanted to celebrate it. So I had asked my staff, Mariah to prepare laksa. She was ever willing to do it so I sponsored all the items needed..

Laksa for all of us..Srumptious!

Mariah and Saras. Both of them do not work on Sundays.

When I came to the shop, it was already 11am as I had to go Cheng Beng and take breakfast with my kids. Mariah had already arrived a short while earlier with her laksa. Saras came later with her french fries. I kicked off the celebration by eating it first and my goodness, it was super 'pedas'!

The others enjoyed it very much as they love 'pedas'.

We loved the laksa and the boss was happy. He asked Mariah to prepare 'Tom Yam' next time..

Thanks Mariah and your effort. We appreciate it!

Happy April Fool Day!


  1. What a lovely April Fool day! Nothing exciting happened today.. a peaceful relaxing day for all...

  2. Wow...good o. So next time get to eat Tom Yam lar. Surely will be equally pedas. :p

  3. Nothing happened to me today. :p I am safe...

  4. Wow! You celebrate April Fools' Day? Haha!

  5. So nice this April Fool Laksa! I want! But I prefer not too pedal! : )

  6. wow, nice laksa!! but are you sure the laksa has no problem at all on an april fool's day?? hahahaha~~

  7. so who is mariah and who is saras?? the one sitting is mariah, the one standing is saras??

  8. looks like the laksa is very popular, sure finished till the pots also bottoms up, hahaha!!

  9. I should have invited all of u. We had so much leftovers.

  10. I thot the laksa cannot eat one since it's April Fool's laksa. xD

  11. wow, an april fool celebration :O.. i spent it resting at home oh.. lol

  12. such a nice workers u have. I love laksa too!


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