Camera Shy

It's not easy to get people to pose for us. I usually get something ready as a gift before I propose a shot. This customer of mine was very easily approached. I told him that I was going to give him a shopping bag from Lipton since he bought Lipton tea. But he had to pose for me with the bag. 

He was ever ready. Smile! Click!
And I gave him my shop's facebook page site.

Since Hari Raya is just around the corner, I am also giving some Raya packets to my customers.
This customer was glad to receive the packets and jokingly asked as if there's any duit raya.
Smile and please share it with your friends.

But not everyone likes to be on camera. This customer was given the recipe books and the shopping bag but she refused to show her face. Well, it's fine provided that she didn't mind me taking a picture of the vegetarian food that she bought together with the gift.

She was happy and I'm glad that this was the first step for me to promote the vegetarian food as I had promised the boss of the Yishensu Industries. He gave me those gifts to be given out to limited customers. So customers have to buy some vegetarian food before they are given the gift. That's fair, right?


  1. Not all folks are sporting enough but seems like you have fun.

  2. Yes, it is only fair that they have to buy the vegetarian food before getting the gift. Your shop sure sells a variety of items. Good for your customers. They can get everything they need in your shop, no need to go to a few places.

  3. yeah, it always depends on how confident or sporting the person is to pose for the camera.. some would happily do, some would need to be persuaded, some would totally refuse to do so.. anyway, as long as they are your happy customer, i think that would be the best thing for you.. :)

  4. You have few very generous and sporting customers to help you in the promotion. :p

  5. Of course a consent is needed, otherwise your customer might not be happy. RIght? :)

  6. many nice gifts. You are really generous...I'm sure your customers will be back.

  7. U r very kind. At least u ask their permission before taking their photos.

  8. Yes always asked their permission first. You may not know what type of customer we met.

  9. In return they eventually received a gift from you. That's a very good idea.

  10. Some customers are easy to handle and some are not... Well it is not an easy task for you to approach them right?

  11. Hope that more customers visit your shop again and again.

  12. Hmm, for me I would love to received the vegetarian goodies bag too. I saw a recipe book ler...

  13. Gifts make happy customers and they will keep coming back. You are doing something right, Wenn. Good for you and your business.

  14. well I would be as well shy
    to pose for such thing haha i know it's in contrast with
    me being cam whore but whenever other people
    were taking shots of me i feel quite awkward

  15. anyway are those prizes right?
    if it is, that is quite generous huh
    no store here ever does that

  16. well that sure is fair, and an
    excellent marketing strategy
    you get to sell your healthy product
    and the customers get to get prizes and get to eat
    healthy too

  17. anyway what duit raya means?

  18. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you

  19. Yes, some do not like their phototaking one... and there are some who love.. (me eg..) hahaha...

  20. Yes, not everyone willing to let you take photo of them. But I can see most of your customers do not mind.

    1. So many types of stuff to be given to your customers, they sure like free gifts. You must have tried many of the products. I heard Top washing powder is good, I have been using Attack and wanted to change to Top brand. Have you tried both of these brands?

    2. If any products come with free gifts I will sure have a look, buy or not buy is another thing. So far i only collected free containers, shopping bag, plates and mugs as free gifts from purchases.

  21. Yea, some people are born camera shy, especially if a stranger or a not-so-close person takes the photo.

    1. But looks like these 2 customers are quite cooperative, hehe ;)

  22. I don't think those guys were easy to be approached. It must be your kind looks and magnetic aura that could even turn a stubborn monkey into an obedient person. Wakakakaka

  23. So far I have observed all your customers' photos here and in Facebook. They all looked very contented and happy! Who doesn't like freebies??? You are making people happy everyday.

  24. I strongly support the idea to promote vegetarian food as people are eating too much toxic meat these days. The cancer patients have increased in the world.


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