My Sunday

I had asked my husband to bathe for my two dogs but it turned out to be me bathing for them. After the shop closed at 2pm, I went back home first but my husband would be back later. Since I hadn't washed the whole compound yet, I decided to do it first before bathing my dogs. Usually I would only wash the compound while my husband bathes for the dogs.

I was pouring some detergent on the floor and started scrubbing and sweeping but this Teddy Bear kept following me. Finally when I was done with the cleaning, I started pouring water on him. He sat still. I supposed he knew he needed a bath badly. When was the last time he got his bath? Maybe it's already a month ago! Gosh! He sure was dirty!

 He loved his bath..
And this was my first time bathing for my dogs.

Next, I bathed my other dog, May. Oh, she refused her bath! She was the one who was so smelly. She kept on walking away but I kept on pouring water on her. Thus, bathing her with her shampoo. Finally, it's done and it's already 3pm. Still no sign of my husband. So I took my own bath and then drove out to fetch my son from town after his music practice.

At about 4pm, my husband came back. He was so relieved that he needn't bathe the dogs. Well, then I decided to visit the nearby bazaar whereas my husband went out to join his friends 'yum-seng'. I bought some food back for the three of us. My boy,  my girl and I..

ketupat  RM5

kuih RM2

kuih RM2

cendol RM2

Then later at about 8pm, my husband came back so we went out for dinner.
I just had laksa (RM4.40) at a Chinese stall. 


  1. I never bathe my dog. That's my hubby's job. I don't think I can handle our dog, Lucky if I were to bathe him, he is a very active dog.

    1. Nice to be home on a sunday afternoon. For the past 6 months I have been spending my weekends at my fashion shop, and today, my shop assistant has to visit the doctor, I had become the shop assistant.

    2. since the start of puasa, I have not been to any buka puasa stall/bazaar. There is one at our office car park, I will sure visit before the end of puasa month.

    3. I dislike bathing dogs as I can't stand the smell of the shampoo.

      I only have Sunday afternoon to relax..

  2. Yum yum, all the kuih.sedap

  3. I never bathe a dog too. Should be fine right.

  4. Therefore we had the most simple pet we.bought for my son. Fighting

    1. I'm not so good in taking care of pets. I guess fish is the most easy one.

    2. Even if.bought other pet also ended I'll be doing the cleaning the cage, feeding and bathing.

    3. Having a pet is my husband's idea. My girl simply loves dogs so they started it. Eventually, no one is here to take care. I have to care of them now which I actually don't mind..

  5. You had laksa again. I haven't been to Malay bazaar yet during this period. Should go aand get some yummy kuih and ayam percik too.

  6. Wenn..good night and sweet dream

  7. I have no idea what any of that food is but it looks good enough!

    1. They were food sold during the fasting month of the muslims..

  8. I have never given a dog a bath before. My brother takes care of this. Your husband is sure fortunate to have you as his wife as you are so diligent and kind. Good night Wenn. Sweet dreams.

    1. Oh, I don't think so. I just happened to be in the mood..

  9. Normally my dog has her bath once a week.. but yesterday I was too busy.. so postpone first la.. wait for the next weekend... :)

    1. your dog surely loves its bath every week..

  10. oh gosh~ I hate smelling the smelly doggie. Anyway, i could not have dog in my condo. :)

    1. my neighbors hate our dogs so sometimes they were smelly

  11. But my mum do not like dogs, so me didn't keep dogs...

  12. But my neighbour have 2 dogs, one of the dogs, whenever saw him, he will bark... k eke...

  13. Me also went Hari Raya bazaar this weekend... hehe...

  14. Replies
    1. It's a great responsibility to take care of dogs.
      Laksa has always been my favorite.
      Have a nice day..

  15. looks like our Ipoh Taukesoh is always busy huh?? even on a Sunday where she doesn't need to be at the shop, she has to do all the housework for the whole afternoon.. :p

  16. but i guess those food you got from the bazaar ramadhan would be a reward for yourself?? hehe~~ :p

    1. I am actually very lazy to do housekeeping. Sometimes I just have the mood and would do just that.
      Those food from the bazaar were yummy. I will go again this sunday..

  17. Good morning there!
    I have never really bathe a dog before, only spray water on her body but no shampoo. But it was fun! Dogs sure love water huh? Hehe.

    1. Looking at those Ramadhan food, I started to crave for ketupat already! Haha xD Perhaps it's time to pay the bazaar Ramadhan a visit!

    2. I used to spray water on my former dog too. He loved to get wet..
      yea, you should visit the bazaar as it's only for a short while..

  18. bathing dogs just a messy yet fun thing to do,
    i just love doing it but i always end up
    too wet as well

  19. I supposed may was completely healed right?
    anyway that first shot was really cute,

  20. first time, so your husband does it all the time?
    or perhaps one of your kid, in our case my mom
    were the one in charged on bathing our little dogs

    1. my girl used to bathe for the dogs. Since she's not around, my husband will do it but I need to remind him..

  21. kuih seems very interesting i bet it's chewy,
    and among these cendol was the most appetizing
    it seems like our very own halo halo

  22. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you

  23. The laksa looks nice. RM4.40 seems an odd sum. Over here the price would have been rounded up to RM4.50, I'm sure.

  24. What a busy Sunday u had ! haha... But time worth spending.

  25. I love dogs but I am reluctant to keep them as I cannot bear to part when they die. So sad.

  26. Your 2 dogs are funny, one loves bath and the other hates it. I suggest that you chain them both together and spray water on them. Soon they will enjoy being bathed together. My friend told me this as he has 5 dogs at home. Phew!!!

  27. When it comes to Ramadhan month, all the folks of different races are excited with the food sold at the stalls. I am also one fan!

  28. I can see your dog enjoyed the bath so much. You must try to this more often. Haha! I bath my 2 dogs once every 2 weeks because they get dirty very easy running around the garden.

    Laksa is my favorite too but hardly can get nice one here in KL. Sigh!


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