The Italian Baker vs Gardenia

I don't usually go to work in the morning so I don't get to see the van of the The Italian baker and the Gardenia. But three days ago, I had to start work early as one of my cashiers was on leave. 

So I was surprised to see both vans came at the same time and surprisingly they were on talking terms. I thought Gardenia hates Massimo as much as Massimo hates Gardenia.

The Italian Baker supplies the Massimo bread..

The Gardenia Bakeries supplies Gardenia bread.

The sales merchandisers are rather efficient and 
both types of bread acquire good sales in my shop.

Which do you prefer?
Massimo or Gardenia?


  1. Honestly...I prefer Massimo because it tastes better. :D

  2. Massimo, Gardenia sucks if compared to 15 years ago

  3. I prefer Gardenia multigrain (Sommerset Cottage) bread and not Gardenia new series of wholemeal bread that has light orange, orange, green, purple packaging. I eat Massimo whole wheat 100% bread once in a while but not often because its sodium content is higher than Gardenia multigrain bread. I do not take white bread, only wholemeal or multigrain.

    But I consume daily 7-grains Sprouted Bread from Adventist Bakery although I find it a little too sweet so I eat it together with either the above Gardenia or Massimo bread so that it will not taste that sweet.

  4. Does your shop sell the Gardenia European Cottage Style Bread, - Sommerset Cottage, Passione Italiana and Bonjour? 7-11 and the usual sundry shop do not sell this range so it is quite troublesome for me to get it from supermarket.

  5. The sales merchandisers are just working for a living so I don't think they will hate each other although they are from rival bakery brands.

    Good night and sweet dreams, Wenn!

  6. Would love to try them. Hawaii has Loves Bakery.


  7. Massimo...I think!!! Such long don't have a chance to eat any bread!!! =]

  8. Before Massimo everyone likes Gardenia. Before Massimo, Gardenia's competitor should be High5!

  9. But now, things change. Many things change as well. Now I like Massimo now.

  10. The M bread is softer compare to G.

  11. When there'a a competitor, there's an improvement.

  12. Massimo bread.. I have not tried that, so no comment...

  13. well, i am not surprised that the delivery men were talking to each other.. after all they are just employees in the same industry, there's just no need to hate each other because they are of competing brands.. anyway, i used to buy Gardenia but now i have already switched to buying Massimo..

  14. Aa....most of my families prefer Massimo over Gardenia.

  15. Good morning wenn!

    Bread topic today, haha xD

    Erm, for some reason, I prefer Gardenia.. But Massimo is cheaper wo! >.<

    1. But I always buy those oats/grain type compared to normal white bread, healthier ma!

  16. People just work mah. Why must hate each other?

    It's the consumer and the management yang sibuk2. :(

  17. I like the green in colour Massimo.. can eat without sapu-ing anything.. :) oh, is it blue?

  18. This is a very interesting post! Someone posted this question in facebook before asking everyone to boycott Gardenia based on political reasons and price.

    1. Honestly, I am addicted to bread and could eat both without fuss!

    2. I am not surprised that delivery drivers are often friends. It would be their marketing salesmen who might kill each other on the streets!

  19. well, it's fun to see competitors
    all in one place huh,
    well i have this visualization that
    their employees will fight against each other haha

  20. perhaps, it was their standard time of delivery
    it just happened that the do it both in the
    same time

  21. as for me i never been picky
    on the brands and i don't try a lot
    and as for these product i only had gardenia so my vote
    goes to them haha

  22. anyway, i prefer to have those home made ones
    because i know it tasted better

  23. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you always


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