July 4 - Memorable day

Yesterday morning, I went our earlier as I wanted to see a doctor about my trigger thumb. I have this problem for almost a week and I feel rather uncomfortable. At the same time, I wanted to have a full body blood test and not forgetting a pap smear too.

When I reached the clinic, I realised that I would definitely have to wait long so I decided to go to the post office. I had already got ready the parcels to be posted. So off  I went to the post office and went straight to the stamps section. I came to realise that oversea postage has gone up so as to give better service. In that sense, parcels should reach the recipients much faster.

When I was done with the parcels, I went back to the clinic. Goodness! I still had to wait. When it's my turn, I told the doctor about my intention to do a blood test after he had examined my thumb. So he tried to put the needle into my vein but unsuccessful. It was only the third tries that he managed to draw my blood into three small test tubes.

Then I had to get out from the room and waited again for my turn to do the pap smear after I had given my sample urine for the test. Next, I was called into another room. I had no fear of the pap smear test and it was easily done.

I was given some medication for my trigger thumb problem. Immediately, I went straight to work. Not long after some time, I had a parcel from the courier man. I had redeemed my very first smart phone from Maybank TreatsPoints. It's from SuperBuy and I had used up 370K points for the phone and 28.8K for the flip cover. I have the black phone and match it with the pink cover.

I 'heart' Samsung Galaxy S4!


  1. Press hard on the joint between your thumb and palm for a couple of minutes.Ignore the excruciating paint and you will be fine after a couple of pressing.

    1. Thanks..I had done that but the problem wouldn't go off.

  2. No need to make an appointment with the doctor as you doing those test?

  3. Loves the pink colour of the phone, very sweet...

  4. Nowaday if i want to send something, i will weight myself at home (using the small weighing scale used for weighing baking items...

  5. Then check the postage using the Singapore Post Website....

  6. And use the Machines to buy stamps and post it out...

  7. Unless it's registered mail, then i have to go Q at the Post Office...

  8. But usually the post office is crowded...

  9. Replies
    1. I used to courier but it's very expensive. If it's really important/fragile, I will usually send by courier. If it's just a normal parcel, I can sent it by normal registered post which is safer than just normal post.

  10. COOL! wah now you can blog anywhere and everywhere ! :)

    1. well, I shouldn't do it when I'm helping at the shop.

  11. Good to have a body check up regularly. Hope your thumb doesn't give u further problems.

    Wow...u used a lot of credit card ? Can even redeem a smart phone + cover !

  12. oh, hope your thumb is of any serious case.. and good that you are doing body check up regularly.. :)

  13. Trigger thumb? My mom has it too... is uric acid high or lack of something? Hope the blood test will tell and you will know how to treat it...

    1. the doc said that I had used my fingers excessively which was true.

  14. yes, postage to overseas has already increased by 30% couple of months ago.. well, better service?? i doubt so, probably just to cover the ever hiking cost of operations, haha!!

  15. wow, Samsung Galaxy S4!! and you had your credit card points to redeem it!! you must be a big spender!! and yeah, care what, it's really a very cool and handsome phone~~ :)

    1. I had redeemed a few phones already and this is the best!

  16. Over stressed thumb over pressing the space bar too much over the limit. You are grounded no computer for one whole month ~ by order Dr Quack haha

  17. When saw your title thought you are having a celebration with Obama. Get well soon

    1. haha..
      I don't use my thumb to press the space bar.
      Actually it's due to me lifting something heavy without caution.

  18. You mean the doctor failed to draw your blood? =_=

    My God, 3 times?? I cannot imagine, usually this happens to trainee/nurse....

    1. Anyway, I am now waiting for your parcel to arrive, hehe.. Probably next week but never mind =)

    2. I love that phone casing! So eye-catchy!!

    3. my vein must be hiding..
      I love the pink casing too..

  19. Wow!

    You sure has lots of points!

  20. So how is your thumb now Wenn? Any getting better?

  21. I really salute you. You and Claire never stops from blogging. Whenever you guys are away, you two always have something on the blog for us to read. Thanks again. Appreciate your effort to write. It is not easy to think of what to write sometimes.

  22. Hmm, many things happen on one day @ 4th July huh? Weekend is coming, wish you have a pleasant weekend with your family. Do you have to be at shop all the time? No rest day even for taukeh soh?

    1. I work 6 days. On sundays, I go for a short while as we close at 2pm.

  23. well goood thing that you keep enough attention
    on your health im planning to have a general check up
    too soon

  24. I received your FB message yesterday evening while I was driving. It is a remarkable gift for me. I've try very hard to comments for the past few months. But probably I miss several posts of urs that time. Thanks ya Wenn. Finally I've made it in June'13. Will be right here waiting for your parcel.

    1. I really appreciate all your comments. I wouldn't want you to miss it again..

  25. I can't imagine how that feels, to do such procedure 3 time
    I did that last week once and it hurts a bit haha

  26. anyways i hope the rest of the results of your check up will
    turn out great, i know it will, might as well mine

  27. 3 times also kenot find your vein?.. Haiyo is he a trainee or assistant?

    1. he is a doc..wonder why he's inefficient on that day..

    2. Maybe He didn't sleep very well a night before. hehehe

    3. well, maybe he didn't concentrate..

  28. anyway about the parcel you sent me, ill keep you updated,
    i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it won't be hold on our

  29. for the mean time, have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and God bless you

    1. next time I will send you once in two months..

  30. You redeem your Maybank smart point with S4? Fantanstic! You mentioned they courier the parcel to you? I thought the latest notice from the post office which I've read. Maybe local allowed to courier mobile phone. But not for overseas one

  31. I think I have enough with my SIII... hehehe... It is good to use all the points you earned so hard ya....

  32. I wonder Saturday can get the parcel or not. If not then have to wait til monday!

  33. Congrats on your new 'toy'. Wonderful feeling isn't it to be getting something really nice for free, so to speak. Enjoy!

    Hope your thumb is feeling better.

    1. I have been wanting smartphone for so long..finally I got it free..

  34. Hope your thumb is feeling better after the medication. Wow, you really have a lot of points to exchange for that phone and cover.

  35. The doctor tried drawing blood for 3 times!? Ouch.
    Hope you are feeling better. Congrats on your new phone :)

    1. first experience with that and it was a little painful..

  36. if it's really a trigger thunb, the problem may return. i get "bad days" also, when things don't turn out right, including trying more than 3 times to get blood!!

    congrats on the S4.

  37. Waaaah! 370K pointsss!!! I sweats!

  38. Replies
    1. better but not completely healed yet..still got medication to take..

  39. Yeah!!! We're using same phone!!! Hehehe!!! =]


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