My happy students

It was in 2002 when I first did my practical in a secondary school. I was in the Methodist Girls School and I was teaching the Form One students English. I taught the medium class and I found that most of them didn't like to do their school homework. Since I was under practical whereby I would be assessed by my lecturer, I always made sure that all of them passed up their work. I elected a leader for each group and she had to count those books and inform me if someone didn't pass up her exercise book.

We trainee teachers were taught to hold a 5 minutes induction whereby we could prepare anything to stir-up the student's interest. We usually started with questions and then slowly led to our main topic. We even had steps by steps presentation of our lessons. Then followed by practice and enrichment/remedial activities.

Those students who were able to follow the lesson would finish up their work and do some enrichment activities like project work or research. The weaker students would be given a remedial lesson whereby the teacher would try to make the lesson easier. In that way, those weaker students gradually caught up with the lesson.

Our objectives for the lesson had to be achieved. Otherwise, we failed and needed a repetition of the lesson. 

I was there for only 10 weeks and I grew fond of my students. On the last day of my teaching, we had a party. I bought KFC, bread, tuna and even ice-cream. 

Goodbye to them and I was posted to SYS Batu Gajah and I taught in a boys' school for the first time!


  1. Such sweet memories for you. You must love teaching and your ex students.

  2. Great memory. Your very first practical.

    1. I had practicals in primary schools before.

  3. Is it tougher to teach in a boys school?

    1. It's definitely tough teaching in a boys' school.

  4. Do you ever bump into your students in the street?

  5. This is such a good memory, it reminds my school life back last time!!! =]

  6. Good afternoon wenn!

    I studied in Methodist girls school too! Hehe~

    1. Well, teaching in girls school is much easier than boys school I reckon?

      Anyway, wishing you a happy weekend!

    2. Teaching girls was so much easier.

  7. It's good that u left this profession.

  8. You never changed!! You have been a generous lady since your teaching days! The students were lucky that you treated them to KFC and goodies. They will remember you forever.

  9. My lecturer in US always brought bags of small chocolates to classes to feed the students. She really bought those Mars, Snickers, Kit Kat and M&M types which we loved. She has passed away a few years ago but I never forgot her kindness and generosity till now.

    I have been buying chocolates to give my wife so that she could bribe her students in the university. Now they like her.

    1. I wonder whether you prefer to teach in the boys or girls school?

      My lady cousin hates to teach in the boys school. She told me that they were worst behaved than animals! So terrible meh?

    2. I prefer girls school but I had taught mixed school.

  10. good old days!, now this reminds
    me of my school days, ohh gosh
    i miss that so much

  11. Well, i once dreamed of being a teacher, ( as
    for a kid I was indeed a big dreamer back then) but then,
    i though do I have enough patience for such profession
    I doubt i dont

  12. I guess that technique really works,
    I mean a good start was a big step forward!
    and i adore how teachers being able to maintain
    the enjoyment of the lesson

  13. anyway, i'm on a job training now,
    which makes me feel like studying again
    and our trainer was really great, she makes the class
    laugh and learn both at the same time

  14. ohh by the way I received your gift wenn
    i like it most especially that panda!
    thanks a lot

  15. have a great day and happy bloggin wennj
    take the best of care and god bless you

  16. Replies
    1. Being a teacher is not easy. Especially if you're in a boys school. Gals better

    2. true, it's not easy to handle boys. Anyway, I'm glad I don't teach anymore.

  17. Wenn, you look much younger now... hehehe. I speak truly from my heart,maybe because of the specs.

  18. Wenn, my very big thank you to you. I received your gift with love. I will post about it together with the rest one.


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