
I love pineapples but I'm always too lazy to cut it. My husband likes to buy a pineapple for prayers every two weeks. When it gets over-ripe, I would usually throw it away. Sometimes, I would give it to my workers. If my mum is around, she would cut it and put the pieces in the fridge. She loves pineapple too. But I don't eat as I don't like plain fresh pineapple. I prefer it with sauce as in rojak. 

Recently, I visited Kay's blog about cutting a pineapple. Her method was so easy so this morning I made it a point to cut my pineapple..

here's a big ripe pineapple

cut off the crown and the base

cut it into 4 pieces

peeled the skin away

sliced off the cores too

cut them into pieces

I just stir-fried some of them with garlic, prawns and Maggi chilli sauce.

I practically finished the whole plate with some rice.

The rest of the freshly cut pineapple pieces were given to my worker.

Pineapple fruit contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain that digests food by breaking down protein. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. Studies have shown that consumption of pineapple regularly helps fight against arthritis, indigestion and worm infestation.


  1. Thanks for the tips, from now on would not need to throw them away.
    LOve pineapples too, just too messy but now with your tips will surely buy more

    1. It was not messy at all. I would cut more pineapples in future.

  2. Now you made it look so easy to cut... :)

    1. I finished cutting it without struggling. You should try it.

  3. Thank you for the link and mention, Wenn. Don't forget that if you twist the crown off you can plant it and grow another pineapple.

  4. I love pineapples!! Now I will know how to cut them! It looks so easy with your guidance!

    1. Not many men like pineapple like we do. Bananaz loves pineapple too and even more on the cutting especially in the old slanting way of getting rid of the 'eyes'. Yummy

    2. cutting the eyes in a slanting way takes time. So I omitted that, just cut straight.

  5. You really gave me a new recipe too! I often buy canned pineapple to eat because I am lazy to cut them. I wanted to order the slicer from Dealmates online but they are not advertised anymore! I hope it will come back soon!

  6. Next time I will cook them too!! Yummy!

    1. yes TM, it's very easy to cut it. Just give it a try. It's much healthier than canned ones.

  7. I love fresh pineapple too but rarely buy it!

  8. I love to eat pineapples - fresh or cooked with other things. Just love the tangy taste.

  9. Replies
    1. I hardly take pineapple too as I don't like to cut it. But now we have an easy way so I should be eating pineapple more frequently.

  10. well, here the pineapple vendors are just
    great in pealing such fruit, they could do it in a few
    seconds and you'll get the pineaple whole still

  11. anyway, i tried that way but i just can't
    but as I see how you did it, i realize
    that I was a fool not having thought of such way haha

  12. stir fry with garlic? hmm I can't imagine how it tasted
    but im sure it was great,
    anyway, we also have some dishes on which we can get
    to use pineapples tidbits as ingredients

  13. But there is this dessert which reminds me of such fruit the most
    you will cooked those with a lot of brown sugar which will
    eventually turn into syrup

    1. that sounds tasty. Anyway, I love anything with pineapple.

  14. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you alwayas

  15. Replies
    1. used to do that but not anymore. Prefer it with rojak sauce.

  16. I love pineapples too!
    Be it cooked or just raw, but cannot eat too much, it's quite 'cooling' for us lady ;)

    1. But your plate of pineapples looks very appetizing la!

    2. true, we can't eat too much at one go. That's why I gave away the remainder.

  17. Pineapples remind me of Sheoh Yan. She loves pineapple very much.

  18. Personally, I don't eat pineapples.

    1. But I've learn from my mom how to cut the designs on the pineapples.

    2. My mum said it is not nice if can see pineapples eyes... hahaha...

  19. Pineapples make every dishes very tasty and juicy. But I just don't take it. hehehe... Where else I take other things but not the pineapples. Usually I gave it to my mum, hubby or friends...

    1. Very strange right? I order pineapple fried rice but I won't eat it... hehehe

  20. For praying, we usually don't choose too ripe one. Green one the better and let it ripe day by day. Eventually you can smell the pineapple fragrant...

  21. Your plate of pineapples with prawn is very delicious. I'll just taste the gravy and the prawn ok?

    1. Pineapples are good cook with curry and kerisik.

    2. pineapples are tasty when cooked. Why don't you try it? well, my boy just won't take it too.

  22. My late mommy loved to cook dishes with pineapples, nowadays we barely eat them...perhaps too difficult to cook?

  23. Very cool way of removing the skin. Didn't know it could be don't that way with pineapples. I do that with dragon fruits.

    With pineapples, in fact I enjoy cutting out the eyes in a row but now no need for that with your method. Thanks for sharing.

    1. yes, it's so much easier doing that than the traditional style of cutting.


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