Goodbye my precious boxer

My boxer, May has just passed away..:(

I have been taking care of my May since she came back from the clinic after the Chinese new Year in February recently. Her two sores were cured after continuous treatment using the Chinese herbal powder. She had been eating dinner regularly. We gave her rice with leftover meat used in soup by my girl's nanny.

I gave her two slices of butterscotch bread and some milk every morning. What she did was 'eat and sleep'. She hardly played anymore. She would rather sleep.
Whenever I was at home, I would clean up her mess to make her place clean.

Three days ago, she was not eating her dinner. I had to throw it away in the morning. But when I gave her the bread, she would eat them. But yesterday morning, I could smell the stench coming from her left ear. I flipped over her ear and I saw two small holes. I was worried that maggots might have found their place there.

I cleaned her face and also tried to wipe her ears but she refused. She must be in pain.

So I decided to send her to the vet. But as usual, I don't carry dogs. My staff, Lim helped me to carry her to my car and together we sent her over. I left her with the vet as I got to work. Four hours later, I went to collect her with Lim. 

She was back to her normal place. I had to get back to work again and I decided to care for her over again. But when I reached home after 10pm, I found that she laid there motionless. She's dead!

I quickly called my husband who was still in the shop. I had to ask him to come back first before he went somewhere else. He came back with a big sack and he intended to contain her to be thrown away. I wanted her to be buried but his excuse was that we have no hoe.

Never mind..Then unexpectedly his friend called and he told him about his intention to throw the dog away. So I just walked away. When I came back in a short while, he told me that he would bury it on an empty land near his friend's place. That sounds much better.

I helped him as he carried our dog and put her in the sack. 

I couldn't help feeling sad but it's for the best anyway. It must be hard for my girl in UK too..

Rest-in-peace, my dear boxer May..
Hope you meet Dhurcy, your best friend in heaven soon..


  1. Oh dear,so sorry to hear that.

  2. May must be a very good dog all these years.

    1. thanks, Angeline! She had been a good one.

  3. So very sorry my friend.

    Google "Rainbow Bridge Pets for a sweet condolence.

    Supporting and loving you-


  4. A few days ago you were so happily mentioned about her and another dog the other day that you bathe them during the weekend?

  5. Your husband was so steady, get ready with a sack when you asked him to come home quickly that night.

  6. So have you told your gal about it? Hope she is alright.

    1. My girl in UK knew about it already. She must be very sad.

  7. At least, May has a very peaceful and nice place to lay down. Don't be too sad yeah. Wenn, hope you're fine now.

  8. Good night and keep a strong heart there!

  9. Sorry to hear about this. May had a good life with you all as all of you cared for her very much. I am glad to know that she has a proper burial in the end instead of being thrown away.

    1. thanks, Mun! May definitely needed a burial as my girl had requested for our dog last time.

  10. I'm so sorry. It's hard to lose a beloved pet. You took good care of her.

    1. thanks, Jeanette! She had no sufferings anymore.

  11. RIP boxer May... she must'd be a proud family member of yours :)

  12. I'm so sorry...we lost our precious German Shepherd last December. I'm glad she was buried. Take care.

    1. thanks and with condolence to your precious too!

  13. R.I.P. Boxer May. You have done your very best to take care of her.

  14. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. May Boxer rest in peace. I'm sure all dogs go to heaven and Boxer is already there happy. Take care!

    1. thanks and I'm sure May is healthy now in heaven.

  15. Very sorry to hear that, wenn.

    My in laws's Rott Weiler passed away during CNY this year, I din't really look after her all this while but I did feel sorry and sad for her passing. So I understand how you feel.

    1. But thinking at the bright side, it may be a better way for her, may she rest in peace and find her happiness in another world.

    2. thanks, Hayley! I feel sad as I was the one taking care of her when my girl has gone to UK.

  16. So sorry to hear this. RIP May the boxer. I'm glad your husband found a place to bury her. At the back of my parents house is our own pet cemetery. It's an old house with lots of land.

  17. OMG! What sad post! I am so sorry to hear that Wenn.

    1. You are so strong to type so much and post this sad news. I would have cried buckets on the keyboards!

    2. I love dogs but I am always scared to face their parting.

    3. In KL I heard that some people even cremated their pets!! I saw a per cemetery somewhere and yet to take a look.

    4. thanks, TM! I had already cried buckets before I posted this.

  18. Its for the best for May.. I cannot imagine my Labbie pass away one day too... No wonder some owners go for plan B...meaning get another dog when they know the first one is going off soon...

    1. thanks, Claire! maybe it's the best for her. She didn't have to suffer anymore.

  19. im very sorry for your loss
    in my part i was sad too cause
    your story about her made me feel close to may
    and it's just sad that she didn't make it

  20. I thought she's fine now, that why we never heard of
    her since then i though she was healed
    but then this happened well perhaps it's better for her
    to go than suffer even more

  21. we also practice burying our pets because i think they pretty
    much deserve `and beside it would be un
    pleasing for us to throw them

  22. i know she's now at peace and we all
    know that you did everything to make her ok
    and as a movie title goes,
    all dogs go to heaven too

  23. again my deepest condolences,
    god bless you and may too

    1. thanks, MEcoy! I thought she would be fine after the vet's visit but she didn't make it.

  24. so sorry to know that your dog has gone to dog heaven. i am sure she is very happy up in heaven now.

    1. thanks, Mummy Chumsy! Guess she's already in heaven now.

  25. OMG, we all thought she's recovering well and will be healthy again.. RIP May, and I am sure she will be happy in her afterlife..

    1. thanks, SK! I thought she would survive at least till the end of this year.

  26. Replies
    1. it takes a little time for you to get over the loss of your dog. She's no longer in pain now.


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