Health Report

I had my blood test done last Thursday and the nurse told me that it should be ready in 3 days. So last Sunday, I dropped by the clinic and asked if my report had arrived. Not yet so I tried again yesterday afternoon after fetching my girl back from school. It was 2 pm and there were not many patients at that time. I was number three. Waiting for my turn and I saw the same doctor.

I was just keen to know about my report but he asked about my trigger thumb. So considerate of him! Well, I almost finished my medication and I felt much better. But according to him, there is still a slight swell. He told me the trigger thumb should heal in a few days time.

 Next, he opened up my report and started analysing and explaining to me. Such a conscientious doctor.

My haemoglobin is 15! Considered high. I used to be a little anemic. Guess my consumption of my Fitline Restorate with Iron helps.

My total cholesterol level is at borderline. He told me that no medication is needed but I need to cut down on seafood which is definitely my favorite.

My uric acid is also at borderline. I need to cut down on soya bean as according to the doctor, the skin of nuts/beans can cause uric acid. Mind you, I used to consume lots of soya beans and other beans too which are my favorite.

The rest of the results is good. He said, 'Overall Good'. I said, 'Thank God!'..


  1. Good to hear that the result is overall good...

  2. Replies
    1. Good morning, Sharon!
      This morning the weather is cool..
      Have a nice day!

  3. Ts is a wise decision to go for annual medical check up

  4. Could it be your thumb trigger caused by your uric acid?

    1. It's due to my work. I cut lots of boxes with my thumb pressed on the boxes.

  5. well thanks god most everything turned out great
    it was such a relief for you that's for sure

  6. I actually had few checkups well it was for
    work medical requirements and the rest of my result turned out
    good too aside to the fact that my heart rate is a bit fast

  7. Remember my father was admitted to Pantai a few months back. In order to control cholesterol, doctor advised that 1 week only can have 2 eggs. A month can only consume 6 large prawns, without the head. For fish, try not to eat the fish head.

  8. I'm suspecting that i have this case called gerd, im
    planning to have check as soon as my schedule is fixed already

  9. Wenn, having oats and make our own fresh juice - green apple, celery and japanese cucumber is good too.

    1. maybe I should try oats..I take lots of fruits.

  10. in regards to your thumb, 'm sure
    it would be better just follow what your doctor said

  11. have a great day anad happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and God bless you

  12. Afterall your medical check up overall is good. Seafood you still can have it moderately.

  13. Wenn, wish you have a nice day and take care! Health is wealth!

    1. thanks, Angeline!
      Indeed we need to take care of our health..
      Have a nice day too..

  14. It has been a while since I have my medical check-up... The clinic nearest to my workplace opens at 9.30am, lazy to wait (with empty stomach)...

    1. true but we should go for the test at least once..

  15. Everything ok la..... cholesterol can go up and down depending on your diet, so as uric acid.

  16. Last year my cholesterol was 6.1 and last two months it was 5.9... Hope it goes down again ...will monitor in another six months... Yes, uric acid high can affect trigger finger.. Hope your finger will be better soon...

    1. it should go down when we watch our diet..
      my trigger thumb was caused by my work..

  17. Reminds me of my recent health check up, hehe~

    Glad that you're fine in general, but still have to watch our diet from time to time, take care!

    1. Cholesterol and sugar are always the most troubling ones, I also had 'high cholesterol' last time, haha xD

    2. yes, those will always haunt us..
      we must be careful..

  18. Oh haemoglobin is 15! Please transfer some to Bananaz, got 10 only haha. Looks like you are quite healthy. Just me borderline on the uric acid so we both gotta stay away from nuts which is also my favorite.

    1. I was surprised too..
      yea, we need to eat less nuts..

  19. Congratulations, Wenn, for a clean bill of health.

    You know what? I attended a talk on cancer some years ago and the doctor who gave the talk emphasised that soya beans are not to be taken in excess. They cause the big C. I've also read an article from a lady who used to take soya products day in day out and ended up with continuous tumour problems. She later realised it and when she stopped taking it, her problems no longer surfaced.

    Soya products are also high in uric acid. That is why people with arthritis or rheumatism best to avoid them.

    My two cents.

    Btw, milk is also not a good product but that's for another time.

    Congrats again!

    1. I should avoid soya products as much as possible..

  20. hmmm, the doctor is very kind indeed and also very professional.. glad that albeit the little problem which can be corrected by diets, your health is overall good!! hip hip hoorray!! :)

  21. You've got a good conscientious doctor!
    All the best in your diet for improvement.

    1. thanks..a doctor is important as he helps us to better health..

  22. Glad to know you are okay with your report card... but aren't they mentioned private and confidential? :p

    1. yes but I don't mind sharing so it's not private anymore..

  23. Congrats on having a good health report! Thanks for the postcard.

  24. congratulations on the good result

    1. good clinic. My side here if it is weekend usually the doctor is not on duty.

    2. thanks..actually I don't like to visit doctors..

  25. that's reminds me to have my blood test. i had my blood test more than 3 years ago..that time my cholestrol level has already over the borderline.

    1. then it's time to have another blood test..

  26. I didn't know soya bean skin is high in uric acid.. now i know. My cholesterol is always high no matter what i do :(

  27. You are very slim and healthy looking. I knew your results are good.

  28. I am so silly. I signed up a package with Gleneagles 3 years ago and never dared to go there for thorough check up. I paid RM10,000 in installments until it has finished!!! Goodness me!

    1. wow..that's a lot. You should have followed the schedule..

  29. This a good news!!! Btw even so still have to take care ya!!! =]


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