Mug Shot

My girl in UK has been very diligent in sending us stuff. She sent me ice-cream mix, her dad socks, her sister story book and his brother noodle snacks. 

There are 4 kinds of Mug Shot.  They are the Pasta spirals in a roast chicken flavor sauce, Ribbon noodles in a Thai Style sauce with peppers and herbs, Ribbon noodles in a chicken flavor sauce with sweetcorn and mushrooms and Ribbon noodles in a spicy sweet   and sour flavor sauce.

something different from UK

Ingredients and Nutrition Information 

a short note from my girl

Well, my boy received the parcel of snacks after his birthday. He tried the spicy sweet and sour one last Saturday before he went for his driving lecture. Guess he didn't like it as according to him, it tasted like wax. So now the other 3 packets are lying around. Maybe I will have to try it out myself. We'll see..


  1. SJ is so thoughtful... girls are girls.. very sai sum! :)

    1. Yes, I agree, daughters are always more 'sai sam' ;)

  2. Good morning there!!

    Wow your girl is really thoughtful and generous! Always send something back home ;)

    1. It's good to receive different things right? Cause we can't find something similar here.

  3. Yum yum. A lot of goodies from your thoughtful girl. :)

  4. so sweet and thoughtful of your girl to send things to everyone in the family.. haha, your boy doesn't like the mug shot?? maybe he didn't cook the right way?? hmmm, i think you will like them, since it's from your sweet girl, and most of the time mommies will take everything from their kids, haha~~ :D

  5. these things are hard to come by over here ya

  6. So sweet of your girl. Something different, no harm trying. I like to try new stuffs too.

  7. Your daughter is very thoughtful and always sent gifts. I believe she takes after you!!!

  8. I am just guessing whether the snacks were made in UK. I used to avoid the US made ones too as they really tasted like wax because the texture is thicker.

  9. well some products are just meant to disappoint you
    it all seems great at the cover
    however we can never be sure if others sucks
    too unless you try it

  10. i was eyeing for that chicken and sweetcorn
    it seems quite interesting above the others
    i mean just the fact it was chicken flavor haha

  11. your girl was indeed generous huh
    well just as you are like mother like
    daughter indeed

  12. anyway, in my case i seldom get attracted with
    such product, i prefer home made food i guess haha
    but then i think it was always worth a try

  13. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you always

  14. It is really sweet of your daughter to send gifts to everyone in the family. Those packets seem like pasta version of instant noodles. Something to keep hunger at bay without needing to sweat over the stove.

  15. Nice and sweet of her.

    Though I hope she doesn't consume too much of those ready-made food and instead choose fresh produce.

    Better for her health and in the long run too.

  16. Your girl is so thoughtful. Mug shot as a simple gift from her to her bro.

  17. I guess cintan and maggie taste much better right? Hahaha

  18. I remember my UK friend brought back a can of pasta just like the baked beans. It is very cheap 5cents per can only but taste was just so so.

  19. Sj probably thought that mug shot is something new for you all. So she bought and send it over for you all to try it out.

    1. If your son says it is good... maybe CJ enterprise can stock in new items. Hehehe....

  20. Wenn, my friend told me Bio Oil in UK is very cheap. She send to me before during my first pregnancy...

  21. Wanna have a good rest. Good night

  22. I have never seen this brand when I was there around 20 years ago..hahhaaaa..must be new product.

    1. orang putih taste is very much different from ours..I can understand why your son did not like it..

    2. I think you daughter like these products that's why she sent some home for you to taste..

    3. did not know that can sent food items from the UK to Malaysia..did the parcel go through custom check?

  23. I thought it's a snapshot of a mug... Didn't come into my mind that it's a type of food. Mug Shot... LoL


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