P driver

Well, it was a breeze for my girl when she went for her 'undang-undang' test. She did in Malay and she fared well. Then came her driving lessons. She only had 5 two-hours lessons before she went for her driving test. Few days before her test day, her instructor asked me if I wanted to pay some bribe for her town driving. 

I told her that I never paid any bribes before for my other two girls. So I wouldn't do that for my youngest girl too. But I heard stories from others that the tester would purposely fail the learner at least once. Well, I wouldn't like that so I consulted my husband. He told me to just go ahead with their suggestion.

So I paid extra just to make sure my girl passed her driving in town. The parking and the slope testing would have to depend on herself. Luckily, she passed both the parking and the slope.

I was away when she did her test. I got her message that she passed! Great news. Of course, when I came back from my holidays, I let her tried my car Corolla with the manual gears. It was scary for me as she couldn't get used to it. I have to switch to my Unser which is automatic. That is fine for her.

I will let her practice now and then but I wouldn't let her drive to school as yet.

And four days ago was her birthday. I bought her a cake from other cake shop and not from my regular shop as we seemed to be buying the same kind of cake each year.

We love this cake very much. It's yummy as it's chocolatey with blueberry jam.


  1. Congrats to your girl for passed the driving test!!! =]
    Also Happy Belated Birthday to her!!! =]

  2. Happy Belated Birthday to your youngest daughter! Since your two daughters passed their driving exams without any bribes, I believe your youngest daughter would be able to pass without the bribe too.

    1. Thanks, Mun!
      I believed so but I didn't want to take the risk.

    2. Didn't your 2 older daughters take their driving exam at the same test center? You mean last time they did not do this (fail those who did not give extra) and now they do?

    3. I guess so..not sure about that..

  3. would you believe i decided not to pay the first time around and the tester actually failed me "on the road" ! grr, paid that little extra my 2nd time

  4. Happy Belated Birthday to your daughter..

  5. Congratulations to your daughter passing the driving test..

  6. The cake is so tempting, wish i could try it out...

  7. Replies
    1. Good morning, Sharon!
      The cake was indeed delicious!
      have a nice day too!

  8. [...And four days ago was her birthday. I bought her a cake..] thought you bought her a Honda

  9. This is what we called licensed daylight robbery

    1. I wish I could get her a small car..
      well, what can we do about that daylight robbery?

    2. we should but the truth is we don't..

  10. congratulations to your girl on passing her driving test!! guess that must be one of her best birthday present huh?? oh, a belated happy birthday to her too.. :)

  11. that chocolate cake looks good!! everything chocolate with a hint of blueberry, nice!! :)

    1. Thanks, SK!
      Indeed that was her happiest moment!
      Indeed a cake with blueberry is yummy!

  12. Congrats to your girl on the passing! Next time can drive you around already! ^^

    1. Yea no bribes for any test, we should pass it with our own efforts!

    2. Thanks, Hayley!
      there shouldn't be any bribes..

  13. Congrats to your gal. At least, you've your gal to become your driver Wenn. Of course need more practice before she drives to school

  14. Usually, among the same ages with your gal. Definitely will go for driving lessons or test when their birthday comes.

  15. Happy Belated birthday from me to your gal. May she happy all the time.

  16. The chocolatey cake is very yummy! I want to have a bite now. Almost lunch time...Hungry jor!

  17. Choclate with blueberry jam is always the perfect match.The cake is very moist. Hope to bake one just like it.

  18. Again, i like your new background.

    1. Thanks, Angeline! Hope she can be my driver soon..
      Indeed the chocolate was delicious..

  19. Wow 5 hours only!? That's great. Usually its 10 hours i think

    1. yeah i heard that too. First timers they will fail them. :(

    2. yea, 10 hours..
      not sure how far it's true..

  20. well that's their scheme, even our official
    here, they always do such malicious act

  21. even when I got my license, my uncle bribe them
    so we, me and her wife could get a license even
    without doing the practical exam

  22. hmm i think you did the right thing
    although it wasn't right at all,
    i mean even if your girl's skill was enough
    it would be wasted because that scumbag will
    fail her

  23. happy birthday to her, i mean belated haha
    hmm as for the cake it seem very chocolaty huh

  24. have a great day and happy bloggin wenn
    take the best of care and God bless you

    1. Thanks, MeCoy!
      Well, she has passed and I'm happy.
      Soon it will be my boy's turn..
      God bless you too!

  25. My girl never drives manual gear since the day she passed.. I guess they are more comfortable with auto gear.. :)

  26. haha.... get the license first then learn again!

    1. they have to learn to drive our own car..

  27. What a relief for you that your girl passed her test!! Now you can sit back and nap while she drives you.

  28. I failed my motorbike test 4 times without bribe!!! When it came to my driving test, I wanted to pay kopi BUT I passed so well on first test. My instructor told me NO NEED! I was so happy.

  29. I have this habit to order cakes from various shops too. I like to experiment the tastes but they can be so costly. Now Secret R charges above RM80 for 1 kg!!! I better start baking now!

    1. The one from Gold Vision is very expensive too. That cake is just half kg but cost RM50!

  30. The driver test is more complicated now than before. There was no paper test during my driving test 20 over years ago, hahahaa..

    1. your girls did well in her driving test. One of my colleague here failed more than 5 times in her paper test..

    2. someone I know also failed 8 times. Finally, she paid the bribe to cover all..


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