Salmon my favorite

I usually boil red beans at night. I set it to low for three hours. When I get up in the morning, I just have to add in some rock sugar. Not too sweet though. Both my husband and girl love the soup while I simply love the beans. But it is too much for me. I usually would share with my people at the shop. 

But this time round, I used the beans to mix into the boiled agar-agar.

I poured it into three tupperwares. The first two tupperwares were given to my people. One made roti canai for my husband while the other one's mum cooked porridge and fried bihun for  us. The last tupperware was for my girl and I.

I used to go marketing once or twice in a week. I would buy greens, chicken and fish. I bought a slice of salmon for only RM9. I fried it for myself. I also fried two pieces of other fish for my boy and girl. I didn't keep the salmon for them as they came back home rather late after school.

my lunch..
salmon is best eaten when just newly pan-fried..

I always take my lunch first before I go to work.


  1. I had fried salmon at my bro home on sunday, I had the part which is very oily even frying without using cooking oil. I have to eat it with wasabe to get rid of the fishy taste. But salmon is a very good fish to consume.

    1. I prefer fresh raw salmon. I always attack the salmon whenever it is being served at the buffet counter.

    2. My kids like salmon too though i find it a bit fishy in taste and smell.

  2. Looks good, Wenn.. both the lunch and the dessert fit me fine too! :)

  3. Salmon is my favourite as well. :D

  4. I love to eat salmon and also red bean soup. I used to boil red bean soup without putting in any sugar at all and I still find the taste very nice. Very delicious food indeed. Have a good day, Wenn.

  5. Love red beans. Just had Ice Kachang yesterday with friends. Salmon is lovely but we can't get fresh ones in Miri. Cold storage only.

  6. I like Salmon too but in RAW - Japanese Style a.k.a Sake Sashimi

  7. I love red beans soup....the soup only. Haha....usually, will only eat a spoonful of beans. Dun really like the texture...

    1. I love salmon too.... RM9 is quite expensive le. I bought in Tesco at only RM4 (when there is a promotion). But i'm not sure if it is the same species of salmon or not.....

    2. Salmon sashimi is delicious. Too bad all my family member doesn't like salmon. Raw or cooked, they doesn't like the taste. Normally, i will only buy 1 block and cook for my ownself.

  8. Hi Wenn, good morning. Any plan for today? Raya is getting nearer, you must be busy wrapping hampers...

  9. I saw your title, I quickly click it. Cos I love salmon too.

  10. I love salmon sashimi, especially Salmon belly..

  11. Salmon is a very good fish. But can be very fatty if consume alot. So the better way to cook salmon is grill. If fry can use lesser oil.

  12. ya lor...My PIL also start buying salmon jor. They used to like tenggiri but now tenggiri price shoot up higher than salmon leh

  13. Not forget your red bean jelly too. So refreshing and cooling.

  14. Wenn you use the normal agar agar stripes or jelly powder?

  15. Yesterday my MIL also boiled some red bean soup for us! WIsh you have a nice day Wenn.

  16. I love red bean soup all this while! Drink it a lot when I was pregnant cause I heard it's good!

    1. As for salmon, I like it too! Had been introduced them to Aden lately, he seems to like it too! ;)
      But not cheap la, cannot afford to eat too often! ^^

  17. Red bean agar-agar? That's really something new for me. You gave me some new ideas to try out. Thanks. Have a nice day!

  18. I prefer my salmon raw. I am going to try making your red bean agar agar.

  19. We're two way different, I always boil in the morning and drink at night!!! =]

  20. That looks like a delicious lunch. Yum!

    You are a very good taukehsoh, Wenn. :D

  21. oh i like red bean soup, both the soup and also the beans.. and that red bean jelly you made looked good too, surely very cooling to be eaten in such hot weather..

  22. We call that red bean dessert yokan in Japanese. I haven't had it in such a long time.

  23. wow that's seems interesting, i kind like
    how it looks and i bet the texture was great too

  24. well, as for me the sweeter the
    better haha,

  25. anyway, i was drooling over your lunch
    it seems a perfect set of meal
    healthy and yummy both at the same time

  26. i wish my every day meal at the office
    was just like that, im pretty much sure
    i'll enjoy my break even more

  27. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless yo always


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