Unexpected results

Well, my boy used to be good in studies but recently his results has shown otherwise. I went to his school to collect his report card and I was shocked to see that he failed all his Science subjects. And his teacher showed me his forecast results. You know what..He forecasted only borderline! My goodness! What happened?

Could it be due to his active participation in his band. According to his teacher, a person who is talented in music is usually good in his studies too. His teacher said that he has the 'couldn't care less' attitude about his studies. He should put in more effort.

But I told the teacher that he spent most of his time in front of his laptop. He 'facebook' and plays games.

Well, I only see him when I finish my work after 10pm. He usually sits in front of his laptop and I usually ask about his school work and I believe that he has done it after school while I'm not home.

That was not the case. He has been neglecting his studies. So I told him lots of stuff and tried to encourage him. He promised that he would strive harder after his last performance this Saturday. His father would be horrified hearing about his bad results. So I asked my boy to get better results for his trial first and show his results to his father.

SMI band presents


  1. Games and Facebook can take up a lot of important time!

  2. The Beatles were great musicians but they did not do well in studies

  3. I used to argue with friend's kids who facebooked and chatted online while studying. The parents corrected me that it was safe after all his sons scored averagely. Goodness the father!

  4. It is a fact that the Science subjects for upper secondary gets tougher and the students would need a good teacher. I would blame the teacher for your son's poor results if he didn't try to help the boy.

  5. Nowadays kids spend most of the time in front of the laptop...

  6. Like my friend kid, everyday on the pc, that my friend said, without the pc, he cannot live...

  7. Even when exam around the corner, also on the pc, playing games, fb-ing, etc...

  8. And also not nervous that exam is coming...

  9. Replies
    1. am not good in science subject too and gets distracted easily if I have to study science or maths.

  10. Unexpected to receive such an unexpected result from your son!

  11. But he failed one of the Science subject, that really makes you concern more.

  12. Perhaps he neglected his studies when many other activities coming into his mind.

  13. May be should cut down his laptop usage. hehehe... Hopefully he realized and he can catch up faster to get a better trial exam to show his dad.

  14. After this Sat event. He need to concerntrate more over his studies. Just left a few more months before the main exam come!

  15. Both my sons were very active in the band till i asked them to slow down during form five... Eventually they did and they have more time to catch up.. Sometimes training was done during classes that is why they missed a lot of class..

  16. hmmm, i guess he just have to manage his time and make a balance between his studies, his participation in band as well as facebook and games.. i like it that you didn't scold your boy, but instead encourage him and analyze his situation.. hope the dad won't scold him too badly?? :)

  17. Sigh, can't really blame your boy too much, cause there're just too many seductions these days! Games, FB and all.

    1. But I hope your boy listened and know by now what to do.. All the best to him!

  18. O dear..probably he put more time on his music neglected his studies. Spending time on computer is another problematic issue to tackle.

    1. I was also terrify to see my little girl's maths result in the last exam, she got a fail. I am spending more time with her to do revision this week for the coming exam next week. Hope she will show some improvements.

  19. Hope your boy will listen to your advise and get better result in the next coming exam.

  20. well im sure he can do better next time,
    perhap things were just too messed up

  21. studies and extra curricular
    and social activities are just hard to
    manage so i bet he's just adjusting

  22. well your encouragement will help him a lot
    perhaps he should think of way to manage his time
    more efficient

  23. well if i were him, i probably
    be failing on a lot of subjects too
    i have poor multitasking skills haha

  24. have a great and god blessed day wenn
    take the best of care and happy blogging

  25. As a parent, worry is normal. But u r a great mum. U encouraged him instead of punishing him

  26. I guess since he promised to study harder, his results will improve. Good of you to talk to him and not scold him.

  27. He needs to cut down time playing with computers IMHO.

    Or make him study with you while you work. Tough love works best. ;)


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