Greatest day

I was invited by my boy to attend his last but not least performance last night. Initially I couldn't make it as the boss had to attend a dinner. But last minute, he couldn't make it. So I decided to go for the performance.

Tickets sold at RM50 and RM20. My boy was in charged of ticketing.

There were two sessions of the performance.

I was surprised to witness my son conducting during the first part of the second session.
He amazed me by being a conductor for the first time in public.

He was also a trumpeter during the performance.
So proud of him..he could play three kinds of instruments!

In the midst of the performance, there was a song, 'You Raise Me Up' which has always been my favorite and I could be emotional when I hear it. Unexpectedly, all the participants came down from the stage and presented something to their parents as a token of thanks. My boy came to me with the Thank You card and hugged me!
I was overjoyed with tears.

Later I read his card..
Such considerate boy..

I am glad that I had played my part in giving him full support to his band participation.

On top of that, it was his birthday yesterday. His team-mates bought him a cake.

Of course, I bought him one too. Just before the clock struck twelve at midnight, 
we had sung him a birthday song and ate his cake!

Happy Birthday, my boy!
You are so talented!

I hope that now you can quietly pay more attention to your studies.
Your trial SPM is just around the corner.

All the best!


  1. I am lucky not to have missed this post.

    You certainly feel proud of him.

  2. U didn't take picture with your son with the birthday cake?

  3. U must be very touched when received the card ya, hehe...

  4. Replies
    1. Good evening, Sharon!
      I was indeed touched as I didn't expect it..
      We had a family photo taken with my boy..
      The SPM is in Nov..
      Goodnight and sleep well..

  5. Thank God you still able to witnessed his performance on stage. If not what a waste right?

    1. Ticket price was ok for me. So how long is their performance last? 2 hours?

    2. luckily I was there to witness his great performance. It lasted for 2 hours..

  6. Guess this such a grand event, your boy really put all his effort is this performance. Hopefully his one time bad result on one of the Science subject is acceptable. hehehehe....

  7. Wow he is not only good as a trumpeter but a conductor too. Smart boy huh?

  8. I was touched too by his thank you note.

    1. I think Wenn, you've forgotten about his unexpected result after reading it. hehehe...

    2. his results may be important but he had given his best to his I believe he can do his best for his studies too..

  9. Being a mother, we must always feel supportive in whatever our kids do. Of course for the good sake! Good boy lar him.

  10. Wow, well done to your boy! You must be a proud mummy!! ;)

    1. All the best to your son!

      Weekend has come to an end, got to start working tomorrow!
      Wishing you a great evening ahead!

    2. thanks..
      the weekend has ended with a happy note..

  11. So coincidence that day was his birthday? Happy Bleated Birthday boy.

  12. His mission accomplished. So he must concentrate over his SPM already. Jia You boy

  13. Good night and sweet dreams Wenn.

    1. thanks, Angeline!
      Goodnight and sleep well..

  14. Wenn... You have raised not one but all your kids very well indeed.... Pat your back... You deserve it!

    1. Thanks, Claire!
      We mum will always do our best for our kids..

  15. awww so sweet!!! i guess your presence to support your boy would be a great motivation to him.. furthermore he could hand you the card personally while playing your favorite song!! ah, that's awesome!!

  16. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Kane!! wishing him scoring his SPM with flying colors while still being able to play his music.. :)

    1. thanks, SK!
      Glad I was there to receive his thank you note..

  17. Happy Belated Birthday to your son! Yes, what a great day to watch him conduct and perform on stage. All the best to him too for his SPM!

    1. thanks, Mun!
      Indeed the greatest day for both of us..

  18. Nice boy! You should be proud!

  19. wow im as well impressed! he's conducting now?
    anyway why would it be his last?

  20. hmm I've always wanted to play some music instrument ever since
    but i guess trumpet was not my thing haha
    i have a huge tendency of shortening in breath haha

  21. you raised me up is such a great song indeed
    I like it a lot as well, so emotional
    and quite inspiring song and it suits
    a parent-child relationship

  22. I could imagine how emotional were you when he gave you that
    and I bet the rest of the parents were in tears too

  23. happy birthday to your son,
    he sure is a great kid and that's all
    because how you have raised him

  24. have a great day and happy blogging wenn
    take the best of care and god bless you

  25. Lucky you were there. Your presence made his day else he will be very disappointed not to have presented the tQ card personally in sync with 'You Raise Me Up' (my favorite too).

    1. yes, I was indeed thankful that I was there..
      I didn't let him down..

  26. wow. That must be a great moment for you to witness your boy's performance. Well done to him.

  27. Your son is very talented..hope he can strike a balance in pursuing his talents in music and also in his studies.

    1. I sent my girl to vocal class but she just refuse to take on the challenge in taking part in her school singing competition. your son is very confident and appreciative to what you have done for him..

    2. thanks..I'm glad that he is such a brave and confident boy..

  28. Your son looks handsome! I think he lost some weight, did he?

  29. All your children are smart in studies and all activities. My wife would say that this is every parent's dreams!!

  30. Happy Belated Birthday to your boy! He will do well, no worries! When he scores Straight As, you can blow his trumpet!!!! Muahahahaha

    1. haha..wish I know how to blow it..
      Indeed he has lost weight since he practised so hard for his performance..


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