ChurpChurp's Mistake

On 11 Feb 2011..

First Notice Letter - Suspicion in Fraud Clicks' Activities

Thank you for your active participation in the ChurpChurp Social Sharing Campaigns! Unfortunately, our records have identified that your account has committed one/or all of the following offences: 1. Sharing the campaign(s) links alongside misleading messages to entice clicks from friends and followers. 2. Sharing and posting on conflicting sites and/or suspicious sites. Please be informed that any earnings from the suspected campaign(s) that you've shared will be removed. Should you still continue posting misleading messages and on suspicious conflicting sites; we will notify you via email a notice of a 2 weeks ChurpChurp account suspension. You will not be able to take part in any commercial campaigns during the suspension period. Churp Churp prides itself as a community of genuine social media users. We strongly discourage you to participate in any click fraud activities and/or violate our terms, rules and regulations as Churp Churp upholds genuinity in all Social Sharing campaigns. For more information on the 'Social Sharing' Dos and Dont's, check out the our Guidlines here. Thank you.

What????? I hardly churp!!!!!!!

Half an hour later...

Please ignore previous email. We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

Dear churper,

Regretfully, we have mistakenly sent you a click fraud email notice. Please ignore our previous email. We truly apologize for the inconvenience caused.

How could they make such mistake! Anyway, no one is perfect!
Luckily, they didn't banned my ChurpChurp for no reason!


  1. OMG! Must be a shock to you!! Haha! They should compensate you for the shock you suffered. LOL!

    Anyway,I hardly churp nowadays : D

  2. I only churp the links like once or twice and then I didn't wanna do it anymore. :p

  3. Oh...Churp churp is so careless...I am gettting active in Churp Churp...hope to earn some $$ from there.

  4. churp churp, hmm not active in it. You post their links often?

  5. I also received. The most geram is when they e-mail me the 1st letter, they put my name but the 2nd letter to apologise, they put "Dear Churper".

    I emailed and KNS them already

  6. I also received..hahaha..i guess these churpers boss made the mistake!

  7. Good grief. Thank goodness I'm not into such things. Would have had a heart attack.

    Been running around in KL, doing this and that. Just got back last night. Sorry, did not have time to bloghop and post comments. Anyway, I'm back!


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