
Ever wonder why when we grow older, we get sick easily? That's mainly because our immune system is lacking behind.

So, we should boost our immune system starting from today. We need to keep ourselves healthy and so live our lives happily. Mind you, also free from stress too.

Why I take Fitline?

I suppose it has kept me healthy since 2005. I used to get sick at least once a year. Since Fitline, I hardly get sick anymore. Touch wood. And if I do feel uneasy, I got over it very fast.

Frankly speaking, I was bad-tempered last time. I got very angry when my students didn't do their homework. I could yell at them and even beat them. But since Fitline, I realized that my temper became even. I hardly scolded my students. They were surprised that I wouldn't get angry but instead advised them.

Guess Fitline has played a very important role in my life. It keeps me going even though I have to work with my husband who has high expectation.

Last but not least, I realized that I don't act out of impulse. That saves me from landing into all kinds of trouble.

By the way, I had asked a favor from Claire. You can read about what she wrote here.


  1. Yeah! I believe Fitline is a great product too. Nowadays our food is deprived of the needed nutrients. So it is a good idea to have supplements. :)

  2. this works for you; i'm glad.
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  3. looks like it helps to keep you healthy both physically and mentally yeah??

  4. I am happy that Fitline works well for for me i am not into this so sort of supplement.. i try to eat a little,trying to stay stress free, exercise, fast once a week and take basic supplement alternate day............

  5. I am glad Fitline works for you. I followed your blog, please follow mine.
    Please visit my entry: F is for Fishing

  6. Yes, I read about what Claire wrote earlier and it's amazing that it is helping her ;D

  7. Glad that Fitline is helping you in maintaining good health. I take supplements too and they certainly help a lot!

  8. Well I am up to speed with fitline now. Glad you are all abuzz.

  9. Wah, fierce teacher, I takut leh! LOL!

  10. It's good that Fitline works for you, for me it's Royal Jelly. I've never been sick for years ever since I've taken RJ, and always full of energy.

  11. I do agree that you look good and very young for your age. Cheers to Fitline!


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