My pet dog, Hebe

Since my previous two dogs had passed away, only left Teddy which is almost 7 years old. It's high time for us to get a new pet. But we were not seriously thinking about it until recently when a friend approached me. She insisted that I adopt one of her puppies which were born on the 8 August. I was still hesitant as I knew I would be burdened. But the boss was keen about it. She then brought the puppy to our shop last Saturday. The little puppy seemed so quiet. I took her home in the evening. Teddy was furious. He barked non-stopped for almost half an hour. He almost bit the puppy's tiny ear. I had to scold Teddy. My girl bought the milk powder from the pet shop. I gave Hebe the milk and she loved it. Soon she fell asleep. She's so cute and I told my kids that she slept like a roasted pig. :) But I supposed she missed her mama as she was crying for the past two nights. She was active and wanted to come out and play. But I won't be ab...