Air Asia to Langkawi

My girl has been with Air Asia for almost three months. She told me that she's going to take me traveling with Air Asia. Her first holiday was on her own to Penang. This was her second trip. We tagged along. We spent 3 days in Langkawi recently. My first time at the Langkawi airport. My previous two trips were by road and ferry. Our utmost objective was to ride the skycab but unfortunately, it was their yearly maintenance. Hope to go again some other time. Since my two girls hadn't ridden on an elephant before, it was an opportunity for them. Just RM80 for a 5 minutes ride. They got to feed the elephant too. Next, we wouldn't want to miss ikan bakar. Delicious! In Langkawi, it was a great priviledge to watch the sunset. I always love sunsets. On our second day, we went for a mangrove tour. We bought the ticket at the airport so it was so much cheaper. It was indeed an interesting experience. This place is Dur...