Happy Anniversary, Experiences!

Forgotten all about it since I have not been blogging regularly. Today my facebook showed me my memories. 4 years ago I celebrated it. Was actually surprised with what I had done on that day. I actually bought 3 pieces of cakes to celebrate it. Haha... Well, it's amazing that I have been doing it since the first day it was created for me. I like to thank Ken for supporting me initially. Then it was up to my own enthusiasm to keep it going. I like to thank all my blogger friends and readers for supporting me this far. Will never ever neglect it but I'm sorry that I haven't been doing it enthusiastically like before. Thanks once more. I shall make more effort to visit all of your blogs. Been neglecting since my time is quite constrain. Anyway, hope to get a better laptop so that I can browse easily. Or else I get a better phone so that I can connect to sites easily. Wishing everyone best of everything and keep on blogging! Have a lovely day!