My new phone

I got my Oppo phone from the boss on Christmas day 2 years ago. After a year of usage, it began to show some problems. The worst problem was I couldn't access my Contacts. Thus, I couldn't make calls when I urgently needed it. The second worst problem was it always hung up itself in the midst of a conversation. And I couldn't comment in any blogs. My comment would be doubled. That explains why I don't go to blogs using my phone. It's high time for me to get a new phone. I was supposed to get it after the first year but I hesitated. So the boss still owes me a birthday gift. Last birthday in September, I wanted to get a new phone but I couldn't decide which brand to get. So it's KIV again. Recently, my girl won a new iPhone and she told me she's keeping her old iPhone. I didn't expect her to pass it to me. Surprisingly, when she came back for the CNY recently, she presented her iPhone to me. It's still so new! I am so glad tha...