Girl Scout

Buat Habis Baik!

Scouts are organised into units/troops averaging 20-30 girls/boys under guidance of a team of leaders. Units subdivide into patrols of about six Scouts and engage in outdoor and special interest activities. Wikipedia

I had never been a scout before when I was in school. So when I was in college, I became a girl scout. Funny, without knowing me, the scout master chose me as the treasurer and a patrol leader.

Accepted the challenge, I was a dedicated treasurer so much so that when the members saw me coming, they would run away. But I always got hold of them and made them pay for the monthly fees.

Being a patrol leader was very challenging. I need to make sure that my patrol was always active and responsible. We even had a cooking competition and we got second.

We had to go for camps which we enjoyed very much. We learnt to build camps with proper knots, march, sing and play lots of games too.

The best part was the camp fire. Every patrol had to perform. I remembered my patrol presented a dikir barat. Very funny yet fun.


  1. yea i like camp fire moment too! very fun indeed! but i'm a girl guide, not a scout. =)

  2. I'm not an outdoor/nature type of person..hehe. But I went camping once and it turned out to be a disaster..haha

  3. well, my friends, not everyone is keen to be a girl scout..would prefer girl guides.


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