Antique Iron

I just got this idea for Brenda Photo Challenge. I have been keeping this iron since 1997 which I got it from my rented house then.

Still looks good..

but this one is totally weathered and worn..

It was given to my husband by his sister in Taiping. She has been keeping it but recently she wanted to get rid of it. Since my husband is into antique things, she gave it to him but it has been lying here in my house for a couple of months already. It has been ignored as he has no time to mend it or even polish it..


  1. Very won indeed. But these are artifacts. :D

  2. Hahaha :D Your husband is into antique? :)

  3. This could go into the museum of history! Very unique!

  4. Very classic! I was looking for an iron like that, ours got lost! When I saw it for the first time I asked the househelp if they don't burn clothes, and as I watched her do it...hey it really didn't!

  5. OMG I remember this too well too. I had that when I was in college when my mom didn't know of electric iron yet lol!! I used that of course with coconut charcoal. But mind you this one has more nicer good smell than the electric iron, and I used to put inside a sweet potato hahaha. Happy Saturday.

    Weathered and Worn

  6. I knew those only from museum...
    Very good thing.
    Servus and have a nice day

  7. dont play play oh...

    maybe it will cost few thousand.... if someone want it. hehehe

  8. you have got a treasure there :D.

  9. Really antique and first time I see these. They might be very valuable:)

  10. Those are very unique looking!

  11. Just keep it. You never know, maybe one day will worth something.

  12. Ooo...nice! That should be worth a fortune!

  13. I still have one of these...and in the 1950's we had a Kakak coming to our house to do the ironing. To make the iron go smoother she used banana leaves....

  14. Wonderful piece. Reminds me of one my mother had.

    By the way, the link from the photo challenge did not work for me. Found you through your blog name.

    Nita Jo

  15. It is so ancient. I remember my mother used to have one so long ago. It was atleast shaped like an iron. Your is very unique.

  16. I have never seen irons like these before. How cool and heavy looking! I really would have hated ironing... although it looks like it would have built strong muscles.

  17. Sorry to be late! We went out of town!
    I've Never seen one this ornate!! Beautiful old museum piece!!
    Well Done!!

  18. What a neat old iron! With an antique, you don't really want or need to polish it up! That would make a great doorstop, don't you think?


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