TM Package

I used to pay RM88 for my Streamyx 1Mb and also rental of RM29. My monthly bills was rather high so I decided to upgrade it to 2Mb with an unlimited calls to other TM phone line. As for the handphone calls, it's 10 sen per minute. The new package is RM130 monthly.

So last Friday, a TM guy/a regular customer helped me to submit the form. Then the following day, I couldn't go online. I though it must be due to the upgrading. So I was not online for 2 days until now.

Early this morning, I went to enquire at TM. I was told that the technician would only come to my house on Tuesday. Well, since it would be torturing to wait for another day, I called the technician.

He was so kind to send his colleague over. Finally, it was done. It seems that my old modem is faulty. I was given a free modem right away and a cordless phone would be sent to me soon.

Anyway, I just write this short post before I go to work. Tonight I would be very busy preparing my new posts for my 3 blogs.

Bye for now.


  1. internet....very torture leh

  2. my netbook not yet come .. sigh.. my old modem is also problematic... got to change new one too..

  3. Mine is quite expensive too. Each month...RM88! :(

  4. My streamyx was so problematic that I terminated it. Prior numerous calls didn't help. Technician said cable in the house had to be changed when in fact it was rather new, less than 3 years.

    You should try upgrading it to unifi that use optic fibre.

  5. Wow! So you are now paying even more? That's quite expensive don't you think?

    No internet for one day? I think it'll be really tough for me! Haha!!

  6. Am having the same package like your earlier package thinking to upgrade too, btw is it inclusive of the rental as well? tQ.

  7. actually i think their service is not bad at all, just that sometimes have to wait for 10 minutes before somebody picks up your call lor..

  8. foongpc, I will be paying less I hope. My previous bill was abt RM160 all in. Not really expensive I guess as I hv unlimited calls too.

  9. bananaz, no more rental, just pay RM130 for streamyx and unlimited house phone calls.

  10. No internet service...I feel handicapped.

  11. No internet service...I feel handicapped.

  12. True, no internet service indeed makes me so restless..

  13. I agree with all those above about no Internet service. Arg!!
    B xx


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